the Patronage of H.E. Sheikh Nahayan Mubarak Al Nahayan
Al Ain Chapter
Emirates Natural History Group, Al Ain Chapter, PO Box
18057, Al Ain
September, 2005– Issue #228 |
We Wish to Thank our Sponsor and Host |
by Brien Holmes |
article and photo
by Will Moore |
The Emirates Natural History Group, established
in 1977 in Abu Dhabi, has, from its early years,
had an association with government departments associated
with the interests of the Group and has been
for its ongoing work to ‘observe, record and
report’ on the natural history of the United
Arab Emirates.
As a non-profit organization of enthusiastic
individuals interested in the natural history
of the UAE, the ENHG expanded to include a chapter
in Al Ain. In the past year, the Dubai Natural
History Group, which had for many years worked
in cooperation with the chapters in Al Ain and
Abu Dhabi, was formally included in the ENHG family.
The leaders of the country have, from the outset,
been generous supporters of the ENHG and have
acknowledged the Group’s contributions.
This is most evident in the ongoing sponsorship
of Sheikh Nahayan bin Mubarak Al Nahayan. Sheikh Nahayan’s father, with his own lifelong
interest in natural history, has been for many
years the sponsor of one of the awards presented
annually by the Abu Dhabi chapter. The Sheikh Mubarak
Award is presented to an individual, or individuals,
who are involved in research of natural history
topics in the UAE. The latest recipient, Peter
Hellyer, has been instrumental in the development
and ongoing work of the Abu Dhabi Island
Survey and has edited, written and published dozens
of titles on the development of the UAE and its
history. Other recipients include Peter Cunningham
and Mike Gillett of the Al Ain chapter, the former
for his research on the dhub, the latter for his
research on insect life.
Representatives of the ENHG meet informally with
Sheikh Nahayan from time to time to keep him up-to-date
on the Group’s activities and ongoing projects. |

A group of Intercontinental
Hotel guests on their way to fossil Valley
during the Annual Classical Music Festival. |
ALL FAIRNESS – it is time to thank our
generous host – the Al Ain InterContinental
Hotel and Resort. Twenty times a year they
make a room available for our use during prime
time. The hotel offers all the advantages
of a conference center, great dining and a
balcony overlooking the pool. And if you are
an exercise buff – their sports program
is full service. It is the atmosphere of success.
For our part, by way of real appreciation,
we put on tours for their Al Ain Annual Classical
Music Festival guests [ see newsletters #
219 & 226 ]. This year’s festival
will be held on the second week of March in
honor of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s 250th
birthday. So come on out and show your appreciation
for the hotel’s generosity by visiting
the Arabesque, the Tandoor or the Wok restaurants.
Luce’s nightclub offers great music
and atmosphere. Show your membership card,
so they know it’s us! You may not get
a discount, but you will be recognized! |
O b s
e r v e –
e c o r d
– R
E P O R T ! |
This broadsheet is published free to families in
the Al Ain area. If you are a member planning an activity with a natural
history theme please notify us so that others can join you. Everybody
is able to contribute to ENHG and Emirates recordings. For more on
our activities please visit our website <www.enhg.org> or join
our e-mail discussion group at ENHG@Yahoogroups.com. The Group meets
at 7.30pm on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month, usually at the
Intercontinental Hotel. New Members are welcome. |
Al Ain Chapter Newsletter…
2005– Issue #228 |
Sawadi – A Weekend Adventure
The Al Sawadi Beach Resort Weekend
outing was not the usual ENHG activity. But it seemed a good
way to really get the program going. I “discovered”
the spot during a one week holiday in mid August and determined
that I would offer to organize a weekend trip centred there,
with a tour of the Rustaq – Nakhl region as the “natural
history” aspect of the trip. I was pleased when twenty
people signed up almost immediately – I was overwhelmed
when it grew to 50. The Resort staff were really helpful with
the reservations. They blocked off twenty-nine rooms, held
them for late check-in, gave us a discount on their posted
rate and put up with the changes as people discovered they
had to work, or had other commitments. Even the Omani Highways
Department co-operated! They removed the construction zone
that prevented us from making a left turn off the coast highway
onto the side road leading to the resort. This was important,
as we would have had to drive ten km further down the highway
to Barka then do a U-turn and come back ten km to the same
place on the other side of the road. And the weekend itself? |

The Al
Sawadi pool
photo by Will Moore |
from the initial reports. People arrived at the resort
anywhere from 4:00 pm through 1:30 am. The pool kept all
the youth happy and the poolside bar/café kept
many occupied. Walks along the beach, Jacuzzis, strolls
through the gardens and getting to know new friends also
helped pass the time.
Thursday morning, the intrepid tourists were in the breakfast
restaurant at 7:00 feasting on the excellent buffet. Off
by 8:00 a short twenty minute drive led to al Hazm fort
– some stopped there, others |
went on to the Rustaq
Hot springs “Ayn al Khusfah” which are not
really set up for tourists so much as they are for the
local population. The main spring is beautiful, but the
concrete bathing rooms are small and old. Ruins and modern
buildings stand side by side as you follow the falaj downstream.
A picturesque rapids stands beneath ancient trees in a
small dirt “street” some distance away. For
the newcomer it is an eye-opener. The people were all
friendly and curious, no one shied away or covered furtively.
A forty minute walk brought us back to the spring. |

Ayn al Khusfah in
photo by Sue Craig |
Al Ain Chapter Newsletter…
2005– Issue #228 |
Sawadi – A Weekend Adventure cont...
The drive from Rustaq to Nakhl is no more than 30 minutes.
The fort presents itself as you approach town, just be careful
not to turn right immediately after the blue high-way sign,
wait for the larger road about 800 feet further |

Nakhl fort
photo by Will Moore |
The fort is small and has been renovated. It has an excellent
vintage gun display and each room is outfitted with excellent
accoutrements – four- poster beds, carpets, wall
hangings, dishes and other things are tastefully
displayed. The
classic gun collection is stunning, complete with all
the accoutrements necessary for making ammunition, this
room is a must-see. |
We worked our way through
narrow streets to the Rustaq Fort – originally built by
Persian Sassanids in the 2nd century CE. * http://www.iranchamber.com/history/sassanids/sassanids.php
This fort is very impressive, especially the circular prison
with the hole in the ceiling entry (a new door has been added
for tourist convenience). The view from the top reveals the
vast extent of the Rustaq oasis. And of course the backside
of Jebel Akthar looms high above everything. |

View from atop Rustaq Fort
photo by Rebecca Wong |
Bougainvillea and
other flowering bushes adorn many walls as you drive further
in to town, the “Ayn Ath-Thawarra sign guides you
to a small riverbed where children play in the pools.
Further up the creek is a parking lot with small shops
selling food and coffee. |

of six gun cabinets
photo by Will Moore
The Nakhl hot spring is
one of the best I have seen. The water is nicely warm, plentiful
and sweet (no sulfur smell). There is a picnic area with sun
shades, tables and benches. Families picnic in the shade of
the trees overhanging the creek. The spring itself gushes from
a hole in the base of a large house-sized rock. This stop is
well worth the time. |
Al Ain Chapter Newsletter…
2005– Issue #228 |
Sawadi – A Weekend Adventure cont...

Nakhl hot spring
by Sue Craig |
member of the group exclaimed, “This is what I needed!
I’ve been flat-out since I arrived with al the details
of getting set up in a new place, learning the details
of a new job and finding all the necessary shops, markets,
government offices, etc. This is what I needed!”
Methinks he spoke for many on this weekend |
playing in the pool
by Will Moore |

The off-shore islands make Sawadi
the best place for scuba diving and snorkeling
photo by Sue Craig |
Many of our number took advantage of the boat
tours offered by the PADI Dive shop. They are still raving about
the clear water, the multitude of species, the tiger shark,
the… This is a full service PADI operation, It is linked
to resort website at www.alsawadibeachresort.com
- check it out. |
Al Ain Chapter Newsletter…
2005– Issue #228 |
Article & photos by Brien Holmes |
Though not as glamorous as the sand gazelle or
as endangered as the Arabian leopard, the native desert lizard,
or dhub (Uromastyx lepteni), was the subject of a determined
rescue program undertaken earlier this year.
The story began when the decision was made to expand the
Abu Dhabi International Airport, constructing a second runway
and, eventually, building a new terminal building and related
facilities. The organization charged with managing the project,
the Special Committee for the Abu Dhabi International Airport,
or SCADIA, ordered an environmental impact assessment (EIA)
before construction began. The EIA, organized by the international
firm URS, determined that there was a large colony of dhub
on the site and, given the fact these animals are acknowledged
as “protected” by the federal government and are
a Class II species recognized by the CITES agreement, the
decision was made to capture and relocate as many of these
animals as possible.

do not hang around waiting for photographers, so apologies
for the string, but…
Initial estimates were that the colony consisted
of about 200 individuals, an estimate that proved remarkably
accurate. The animals were spread over a large area of sand
and rocky outcrops, between the existing terminal building and
the Abu Dhabi – Dubai highway.
Initially, the Environmental Research and Wildlife Development
Agency (ERWDA, now the Environment Agency, or EA), captured
more than a dozen animals and released them on a site west
of Abu Dhabi. This pilot project was intended to see how well
the animals adapted to capture and relocation.
In the course of the project, it was realized that the species
were a relatively newly recognized species (U. lepteni) as
opposed to the well-known UAE residents Uromastyx aegyptius
Meetings were held in April and early May as the equipment
was assembled to begin the rough grading of the site. It appeared
there were only a few days available to capture the animals
before the bulldozers moved in. As a result, a rescue program
was organized and members of the ENHG chapters invited to
send volunteers to help capture the dhubs.
For two weekends in May, volunteers set and baited metal
live-capture traps and prepared to send captured animals to
a temporary shelter in Sharjah. Though almost 30 animals were
captured, it was apparent a full-time rescue would have to
be organized. Beginning in late May, URS contracted two individuals
to conduct the capture. Brien Holmes, of the Al Ain chapter
of ENHG, and Thomas Wilems, from Germany, began the process
of trapping, identifying and housing dhubs from the site.
Al Ain Chapter Newsletter…
2005– Issue #228 |
Thomas was one of the
individuals responsible for identifying the U. lepteni species through his research
work on dhubs in north Africa and Oman. When the work
at the Abu Dhabi Airport began, there were only six specimen
(dead) in collections in museums around the world. Before
the work was completed at the end of July, more than 200
live specimens were collected.
Initially, the trapping was conducted using the metal
traps provided. However, it was soon obvious that the
dhubs were too cunning to be trapped in these relatively
large traps. Moreover, the bait being used initially
was inappropriate. Watermelon, though a favorite of
other desert creatures, is not of much interest to dhubs
who prefer grasses and other desert vegetation though,
in capture, prefer to eat grated carrots, uncooked red
lentils and alfalfa.
Eventually, the traps were replaced with simple string
snares. Meter-long plastic pipe was placed near the
entrance to the burrow and one or more snare loops placed
at the entrance. Dhub were captured in the snare either
exiting or returning to the burrow. Extra string was
used on each snare so that dhub could enter the burrow
to escape the intense heat in the event they were snared
an hour or more before they could be recovered.
The use of snares increased the capture rate significantly
and had the additional bonus of allowing the capture
of smaller specimen that, because of their limited body
weight, did not trip the mechanism to entrap them in
the metal cages.
Volunteers worked hard to gather the Dhub
Thomas Wilems with a monitor
lizard |
During the capture program,
records were kept of the air temperature, humidity and
soil temperature, as well as the body temperature of
individual animals. This provided a considerable database
of information about these unknown animals.
One very interesting discovery was made in the course
of the program. It had been assumed that no animal could
survive in the desert exposed to the intense heat once
the body temperature passed 40’C. The dhub, with
little or not facility for cooling, was presumed to
expire once the body temperature was in the low 40’C
range. However, several specimen were captured with
body temperatures up to 45’C and one with a recorded
temperature of 47’C. That individual was still
alert and, had it not been captured in a snare, would
have easily outrun a predator.
Later, tissue and blood samples of some captured specimen
were collected for analysis. Volunteers from around
the country, and around the world, came forward with
an interest in learning more about these unstudied animals.
Much of the research is necessary to ensure that the
animals would be relocated in an area where they will
not have a detrimental impact on any existing population
of dhub or other desert resident. Likewise documentation…
(cont. on page 14)
Al Ain Chapter Newsletter…
2005– Issue #228 |
BOOK REVIEW by Geoff Cosson
Jebel Hafit – A Natural History
Edited by Simon Aspinall & Peter Hellyer. ISBN:
9948 03 143 1 220 pages
This superb book is the first major book to be published
by ENHG, and is a beautifully illustrated account of
‘our’ mountain. We have copies on sale for
only Dhs. 100, a huge discount on the retail price.
We all know Jebel Hafit, whether as a welcome shape
looming up after a long drive up from Muscat, or a distant
row of orange street lamps winding up the hill at night.
But there is a lot more to ‘our mountain’.
This is the most detailed scientific study yet
made of the natural history of Jebel Hafit, and was sponsored
by ADCO in Abu Dhabi. It is just as informative for the non-specialist.
Anyone who enjoys our unique landscape feature should read this
amazing book. Then, the next time you drive visitors up to the
top for a drink in the hotel or to take in the view, you can
impress your friends with your comprehensive knowledge!
There are sections on the archaeology and geology of the
UAE’s only mountain (including the recently-discovered,
extensive cave system near the summit), as well as studies
of its wildlife. The are specific chapters about its flora,
mammals, birds, reptiles and invertebrates, each chapter written
by experts including many of our own Al Ain ENHG members.
The photos are extraordinary, especially those taken by Bob
Reimer - no-one should miss his amazing shot of beetles mating.
The maps, including a satellite photo, are clear and helpful.
The book lacks an index, but that is in hand.
We all hope that books such as this, publicizing the unique
habitat of Hafit, might help prevent future developments which
intrude on the stark beauty of the mountain.
We are really lucky to have the Al Ain English
Speaking School (AAESS) recycling site, so please recycle responsibly.
Don’t treat the bins as garbage bins – they are
recycling bins. The bins are accessible during most daylight
hours and into the early evening. If you want to recycle an
empty paper box, please flatten it first. If the bins are full,
please don’t leave your recyclables beside the bins –
bring them back another day. |
Al Ain Chapter Newsletter…
2005– Issue #228 |
Aboul – a Friday Outing
by Debbie Handley – photos by Will Moore |
Early in August, 8 ENHG'ers met at the Buraimi
Hotel - Friday am at 630. We managed to rearrange into 2 4WDs
so we could manipulate the road to the end of Aboul past the
fort. We followed the right side of the falaj after a quick
survey of the fort ( no mousetail bats now). We ambled out past
the graves and 2 possible rock fox traps - one a hole up the
left bank. On investigation we found several old running shoes-
mismatched- probably stolen by the previous fox resident? We
also saw several gravel reptile dwellings.
We were accompanied by yellow jacket hornets along the way into
the Oasis and back where the workers were busy harvesting dates.
Two were up the palms and others below spread sheets to catch
the dates. We also saw lots of lemon trees but were warned by
Will of his previous burn from the lemon juice so only sniffed
the leaves. It was nice to see the falaj being filled so that
the water was diverted to other sections of the oasis. Back
at the cars again we waited for the intrepid photographers.
Suddenly my foot was on fire! The yellow jacket had stung my
toe but I hadn't even spotted it. Oh, it was soooo PAINFULL
!!!! I was so glad I had some Rescue Remedy with me but that
was all we had. Ice would have been nice to apply too and some
analgesic. I bought some Fenestil gel-for-bites at the Al Ain
pharmacy but it didn't seem to do much so they gave me Brufen
400. I took some homoeopathic Apis 30 C and that was magic!
This also helped another friend who had been stung a few weeks
ago on the arm. So, if there is a moral to this story, then
" Be prepared" would be it?
On all outings a FIRST AID kit should be carried and if possible
some ice in a cool box and a book on treatments maybe left in
the car. Now I must say goodbye once again to this lovely country
and all the enthusiasts who are drawn here. Keep up the good
work and see you all again sometime.

Dates drying on mats – hornet heaven!
Sketching at Aboul |
the dates
Al Ain Chapter Newsletter…
2005– Issue #228 |

Rocky mountains and plains all
exhibit a shiny brown “varnish”
photo by Will Moore |
you have been on one of our wadi trips, you may have heard
my explanation about the dark red varnish that appears
on the rocks that provide the "desert armour"
on the gravel plains at the foothills of the Hajjar Mountains.
For many years, the
explanation for the varnish has been some association with microbes
which either in the course of their lifespan or associated with
their death leave or otherwise deposit some moisture that causes
the rocks to be stained and the varnish to develop.
One of our new members, appropriately
skeptical of that explanation, did some investigations and came
up with the two web sites below (which will eventually be added
to our website). The links provided by Steve, from the geology
department of UAE University, indicate the red color is a product
of the iron content but that the varnish is predominantly clay.
The team from Caltech reports:
"For years scientists have assumed that desert varnish
was composed primarily of manganese and iron oxides, precipitated
out of the rock through weathering processes. However, the
varnish structure eluded precise analysis because it is composed
of particles too fine to be characterized by X-rays, the main
diagnostic tool of mineralogical investigation.
"Infrared spectroscopy, a technique
which illuminates mineral samples with infrared light and
records the pattern of absorbed wavelengths, was applied to
the study of desert varnish by two Caltech scientists. George
R. Rossman, associate professor of mineralogy, and Russel
M. Potter, Caltech graduate student, used rock samples from
20 locations in California, New Mexico, and Arizona in the
analysis of desert varnish. The samples included quartz, granite,
basalt, rhyolite, quartzite, feldspar, and sandstone.
"The results of the analysis
revealed that the main constituent in desert varnish, totaling
about 70%, is clay, not manganese and iron oxides. The oxides
form the remaining 30%. The red coating on the underside of
the varnished rocks, previously believed to be iron oxide,
turned out to be 90% clay incorporating an iron oxide stain,
similar to the iron in the black finish on the rocks' exposed
portions. In addition it was found that all desert varnish,
whether it formed on the side of a cliff or on a 10-inch boulder,
shares a similar composition."
HOWEVER: http://www.geo.arizona.edu/palynology/geos462/14rockvarnish.html report
differently, namely that desert varnish is:
"a biogenic deposit produced by mixotrophic bacteria
living on rock surfaces, digesting organic debris." The
paper goes on to explain:
"History of Study: biological origin proposed in 1921.
Recent advances based on electron beam microprobe (Hooke et
al., 1979), which demonstrated layering of varnish.
"Technique: analyzed by X-ray diffraction (reveals clay
mineralogy), infrared spectroscopy, electron microscopy, microprobe,
bulk chemical analysis, TAMS dating, isotope analysis."
I conclude that, while the bacteria explanation was first
proposed in 1921, it was not widely accepted until only recently,
with the Arizona research provided the first (?) evidence
to support the theory. Evidently modern |
Al Ain Chapter Newsletter…
2005– Issue #228 |
Desert Varnish
technology provided the means to test the theories.
This discussion evolved when Steve was among the members joining
us for the tour of Khudrah. On the gravel plain overlooking
the oasis, I explained that the dark stain on the "desert
armour", the rocks covering the flat surface of the gravel
plain, was believed to be caused by some bacterial action.
Steve, to his great credit, undertook to investigate the claim
and forwarded links to two papers. One, from Caltech, offered
an explanation involving clay while the more-recent Arizona
paper supports the bacteria connection.
The Arizona paper also includes some interesting notes explaining
the appearance and color of the varnish. As many of you know,
the color here is a dark red which suggests, and Arizona confirms,
the presence of iron.
"Fluctuations in clays and Fe and Mn oxides and hydroxides
produce color:
black: manganese-rich
red: iron-rich"
But it is also interesting that the appearance -- much of
our varnish is very shiny or glossy -- varies depending on
clay accumulation (the paper makes reference to the ratio
of bacteria and clay):
"Rate of bacterial growth relative to clay accumulation
produces appearance:
dark dull varnish = bacterial growth dominant
light shiny varnish = clay accumulation dominant "
I trust Steve will let me know if there have been any further
developments. And, on behalf of the membership, thank you
to Steve for sparking the discussion!
Insect Identification
Project There are so many things
going on now in the natural history group that it is
impossible to report on all of them each month. The
insect trapping and identification project is one such
project. It is coming along nicely according to Dr.
Brigitte Howarth, who is now holding weekly meetings
at her workroom. She encourages anyone interested in
helping with the project to contact her through enhg@yahoogroups.com
to arrange a visit. “No expertise is necessary”
she stresses. “There are so many specimen to be
identified, mounted and labeled that there is something
for everyone to do.” The group meets on Saturday
evenings at about 7:30. There’s tea, coffee, snacks
and good company to enjoy. The ENHG is currently in
possession of the finest insect collection in the Emirates
– if not in the Middle East – thanks to
the generous contribution by Mike Gillett, a lifetime
member of the ENHG. Brigitte has, in the past, led many
insect trapping outings around Al Ain. Sitting around
the mercury vapour “moth lamp’ has become
the equivalent of sitting round the campfire as she
and Bob Reimer identify and photograph important insects
attracted by the light. Anyone interested?
green bug – as identified by Mat –
Perhaps you could help,
Photo by Mat Elliot
Al Ain Chapter Newsletter…
2005– Issue #228 |
A Friday Outing: The
Wadi Kahl to Wadi Sharm Desert Drive
Friday, September 23rd saw 32 people gather outside the Buraimi
Hotel for the desert drive from wadi Kahl to Wadi Sharm A
distance which could be covered in 20 to 30 minutes by an
experienced driver in a hurry, took us about 3 hours. Soft
sand is not the same as hard packed sand, dunes are not the
same as flats. Long gentle slopes are not the same as short
steep pitches – and it is still hot out there. We learned
about camels, about their clay rolling areas, about fossils
(nice one, Bob) and about the geology of the region (thanks
Stephen). We tried out a walkie-talkie system and found it
to be an excellent aid – we learned about convoy driving
and how easy it is to lose your mates. It was an altogether
excellent day. Here are some of the pics people have sent
in. Do join us next time. |

The convoy – taking a break to check
for fossils
photo by Ada Hosein

A rare sight – a Yellow
spotted Agamid lizard – this one is about 18”
by John O’Niel |
 Seeing faces in the
photo by Sharon Heibert |
This little guy (almost a half meter long) sat still
for the photo and then zipped underground before the rest
of us could see him. – So here he is everyone –
come look! |
Al Ain Chapter Newsletter…
2005– Issue #228 |
A Friday
Outing: The Wadi Kahl to Wadi Sharm Desert Drive cont…
ENHG members over the years have identified many grave sites
and have dated them based on their alignment relative to Mecca
– any grave not aligned according to Islamic tradition
is pre-Islamic. However, there was a presupposition that the
foot to head alignment was the important one, when in fact
it is at ninety degrees to this that Islamic tradition follows,
because the body is placed in the grave on its side with the
face towards Mecca. This addition to our knowledge means we
have to go back over all the sites previously identified and
re-check their orientation. We learned all this at this grave
site along the Kahl – Sharm passage.
the heat of the day, getting stuck is really heart wrenching
for newcomers. Learning how to get out is great! We had
lots of opportunity to participate, to observe and to
contemplate these problems as various members of the group
got stuck, separated or successfully overcame the various
obstacles encountered on this lovely drive. We passed
through rocky plains, sand flats, sand hills, dunes, narrow
gorges and along gravel roads. Each situation called for
different |
These graves
have the usual Islamic headstone, but also have a “ring”
of stones around them which is sometimes indicative
of Um-an-nar relics.
photo by Sue Craig
driving skills. So despite the fact that
we all had fun, a lot of useful learning was going on.
Getting to know your vehicle is a survival skill in this
region of the world. So do come on out – join us
– and learn as much as you can about your environment
– the flora, fauna, geology, and social aspects
of it all come in to play on these outings. Get your head
out of your work, out of your house and into the deserts
and mountains around you.
Where is Khal? Sharm? – Khudra? Jazeera? Jabeeb?
Do you know?
Come on out and find out – in reality!
The group takes a break while a few people work out how
to get unstuck from
the sand at the base of a long gentle slope.
Photo by Sharon Heibert
Our thanks go the leaders and assistants for
taking the time to share their knowledge and experience with
all who show an interest. Without them (and you are them!) we
are nothing. |
Al Ain Chapter Newsletter…
2005– Issue #228 |

Here are some of the places we ENHGers
go - Al Ain is in the bottom left corner
Saving the
Dhub cont…
by Brien Holmes of the plants
available on the airport site was necessary to ensure the
appropriate vegetation would be available at release sites.
Later this year, the rescue operation will move inside the
security fencing at the airport to capture dhubs, hares and
Although rare and endangered species have been captured and
relocated in various programs around the world, it is believed
that this is the first instance of reptiles being the subject
of such a program.
SCADIA has been so enthusiastic about the rescue program
that there are plans to incorporate the dhub population in
the final design of the airport, with some of the survivors
enjoying a retirement in a special area set aside in preservation
for the animals. |
The ENHG is looking for one or more volunteers
to take on maintenance of the resource room and ENHG equipment.
We lost both Chris Sanor and Denise Caporelli-Lee last season.
This position is unpaid, you get no thanks, no one listens to
you, but you do get to drink coffee and have snacks once a month!
Any takers? |
Al Ain Chapter Newsletter…
2005– Issue #228 |
Seasonal Calendar of Main Events – (want
to plan a weekend trip? – we’ll gladly add
it to our list)
Ramadan begins October 4th
Dubai NHG visit – Oct 7
First triple Crescent hike
Iftar dinner: on Tuesday, Oct. 25th
AGM – possible photo Competition
Eid Al-Fitr, 1 – 3
Abu Dhabi ENHG visit – Nov 14
Possible RAK weekend trip – 23/25
Christmas Eve in the desert – December 24.
January, 2006:
9th January to 29 - break.
Music Festival - March 9/10
Inter Emirates Weekend 16/17
Photo competition.
membership fees!
Single membership is now 60 Dh
Family membership is now 100 Dh
We are pleased to report that Sandy Fowler's "Rough
Sheller's Guide to the Northern Emirates" is now
available in PDF format from our website. You can reach
it through the Contributing Authors section of our home
page. |
100 Myths about the Middle East – new book by
Fred Hallyday
Encyclopaedia of Islam - CD Rom
(both the above given by Zaki Anwar Nusseibeh)
Zoo video – HCT students’ video shot at
Al Ain zoo
Petroglyphs in UAE - article from Gulf News Friday
Iftar Dinner
Zayed Center for Culture and Heritage
October 25th
Please contact a committee member to
confirm your wish to participate.
Each year the Zayed Center for Culture
and Heritage hosts the ENHG for an Iftar Dinner
at their site on Airport Road (on the right, just before
the last R/A in town)
We will gather there around 5:45 for
dinner commencing after the call to prayer.
(Please do not be late)