Bulletin 1 - March 1977: Archaeology Report

Archaeology Report

by David Corfield

Site No. 1 -- Interim Report

The site was found by John MacRae and Bish Brown. I visited it with them on 7th February 1977.

The site is approximately 53km from the Muqta'a bridge along the Al Ain road, opposite a café with five trees in a straight line. It lies approximately 1km southwest of the café, and covers an area of about 120m by 20m along a line roughly east west. There are about eight recognized areas of pottery on the site. Could these have been where tents have been set up? Around the area can be seen the remains of burnt bushes. We brought back for further inspection the following items:

1. Flint

20 various colors, no real evidence of any workings, but some may have been used i.e. flints for fire, etc.

2. Glass

four pieces, two of which fitted together to form part of a neck with a rope-like design planted (sic) on

3. Pottery

13 assorted rims/necks; 15 assorted bases; seven assorted pieces.

Included in the above were eight glazed pieces of various blue/green shades. These have strong black lines/patterns on them.

4. Porcelain

17 pieces including three handles of different sizes.

Colors of patterns on the porcelain include the following: dark blue/light blue; black/dark gray; light green; red/maroon/pink

5. Shells

14 pieces including three unknown, four oyster shells and seven small bi-valves

6. Metal

one piece of lead

7. Carbon deposit

8. Bones

various animals and fish

We hope to get some of the pottery and porcelain dated so that we can build up a reference stock of items likely to be found.

The items are at present being held by David Corfield who will willingly show them to anyone who is interested.


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