Bulletin 7 - April 1979: Checklist of Fishes Identified in Abu Dhabi Waters

Checklist of Fishes Identified in Abu Dhabi Waters

by Roger Brown

Over the past two years a variety of fish common to the Gulf has been observed, recorded and identified.

The following table lists the fish so far identified. There are still many fish on record that remain unidentified due to incomplete research work. Hopefully this backlog will be cleared in the near future and the results published.

In the table below local Arabic names have yet to be established for numbers 1, 3, 8, 12 and 29. Fish number 15 has yet to have its common English name established. Members’ participation is kindly requested.

It is interesting to note that numbers 21 and 22 have the same name in Arabic. This often happens with both Arabic and English names and is one reason why the scientific (Latin) names should always be used when identifying fishes.

Fish numbers 1, 3, 16, 18, 24 and 31 have been discussed in detail in the current series “Fishes of Abu Dhabi” in the Bulletin.

Fish Recording

Record forms are available for the purpose of fish recording. Completed forms have been received but not in the quantity originally anticipated. Greater member participation is requested. So, all you sailors and anglers, why not take a record form on your next trip.

When recording a description of a particular fish the more detail given the better. Often a simple line sketch, drawn on the reverse side of the form, accompanied by fin, spine and ray count and meristic details can lead to a positive identification. Further details are given in Bulletin No. 4, “The Identification of Fishes” and Bulletin No. 2, “Parts of a Bony Fish”

When checking the meristic details of fish specimens take great care over the spinous fins, as these are usually very sharp and sometimes poisonous. Handling with leather gloves is preferred, especially for larger specimens.

Scientific Name Common English Name Local Arabic Name Max.
1 Abudefduf Saxitilis Sergeant Major Fish -- 17 cms
2 Acanthropagrus Bifasciatus Captain’s Daughter Faskara 30 cms
3 Amphiprion Ocellaris Orange Clown Fish -- 10 cms
4 Archosargus Rhomboidalis Sea Bream Qubotan --
5 Atherina Forokalii Silverside Cheschusu 12 cms
6 Cephalopholis Miniatus Blue Spotted Rock Cod Arus 42 cms
7 Chelordon Patoca Pig Fish Fugal 40 cms
8 Coris Julis Rainbow Wrasse -- --
9 Cryptocentrus Fillifer Long Finned Goby Boshalanbo --
10 Echidna Zebra Moray Eel Nachoot 120 cms
11 Epinephelus Chlorostigma Grouper Hamour 150 cms
12 Eupomacentrus Fuscus Dusky Damsel Fish -- 15 cms
13 Gastrophysus Sceleratus Puffer Fish Bugum 45 cms
14 Heniochus Acuminatus Wimple Fish Bushami 25 cms
15 Leiognathus Elongatus -- Salah 10 cms
16 Lutianus Johni Gold Striped Snapper Nisar 35 cms
17 Migalaspis Cordyla Jack Titi 45 cms
18 Monodactylus Argenteus Silver Batfish Farsuk 20 cms
19 Platax Orbicalaris Orbiculate Batfish Amaad 50 cms
20 Pomacanthodes Annularis Blue King Angelfish -- 60 cms
21 Pomacanthus Imperator Emperor Angelfish Anfuz 30 cms
22 Pomacanthus Maculosus Blue Moon Angelfish Anfuz 45 cms
23 Scarus Ghobbam Blue Green Parrot Fish Gen 100 cms


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