Small Wadi and Falaj Near Haywan
Small Wadi and Falaj Near Haywan
As regular visitors to the Hajar Mountains of Buraimi know, there are
numerous small oasis communities located along the base of the mountains as the
draingage systems open up to the gravel plain between Juwaif and Wadi Jizzi.
There is, it seems, a small community at each of these openings, some large and
well known (Khutwah, Aboul, Khudrah) and others very small and without a
published name.
The photographs below were taken in one of these small communities that, the
evidence suggests, has been in operation for hundreds, if not thousands, of
years. It also features evidence of sedimentation along the falaj system, with
the channel elevated after years of deposits. There are a few graves and only
one structure located to date.
This wadi is located between Musah and Khutwah.

The footpath leading into the wadi |

Small manmade shelters that were probably used by shepherds, hunters or
weekend campers |

The remains of a 'donkey trail' (left) |

The view from the beginning of the deep wadi channel out towards the gravel
plain (Mahdah in the distance to the right) |

The deteriorated remains of some structures were found on this gravel bar |

Evidently an Islamic period grave just a few meters from the edge of the
gravel plain |

The footpath along the top of the gravel plain is evident |

As the wadi bed narrows and the gravel plain disappears, another structure,
possibly a grave |

A view a little further along the wadi |

Footpath diagonaly along the slope |

Location of only real structure along the footpath |

The falaj is very narrow and shows signs of build up |

A view of the meandering falaj looking back towards the spring |

Nearer the spring, the falaj is wider |

The spring |

The view from the spring downstream to the reservoir |

View of the falaj near the reservoir |

A spring that is no longer flowing, the white powder evidence of the
dissolved minerals in the water |

The bottom of the reservoir is blanketed with deposits of minerals that were
originally in solution |