Electrical lines indicate the houses had modern

The main falaj channel

Stairs leading up through the abandoned houses

Some houses were in very good condition

The light offered different perspectives

Natural light

The ceiling timbers and matting of one house

Another view

A cat's sleep interrupted, a scarf hanging on a

Wall decorations

Baskets and bowls


Soot stains the walls

View looking uphill

The houses are multi-storey

The gardens below

Many houses have collapsed

Plaster fallen away to expose the flat stones
used in the wall

House (right) of mud brick and stone

Exposed rock above the houses

Houses built exclusively with flat stones

Another view of the stone houses

From the tower looking down on the village

Another view of the valley

Looking down the wadi towards the old road to

Aqueduct (left) and a fort downstream

The fort downstream

The old and new villages

Aqueduct cutting through the date gardens

Tower remains (right) and gardens below

Another view

View towards Nizwa

Some of the stone houses

Stone houses


More of the mud and stone houses

Laborers joined us near the tower

Everyone took turns photographing each other

Interior of one house

Note the fine stone wall

Peaked archway

Were those rifle slots from the original

One of the passage ways near the tower

Stone was the main building material for many

Walkways were narrow and winding

Evidence of renovations

Well-built two-storey dwelling

Falaj and pathway at lower levels of the old

Interior of one home; were the mud walls

Steel pipe used for pegs on the walls

A magnificent house

Different perspective of the magnificent house

House may have been three stories high

Another view of falaj which used for irrigation
and bathing


Natural light of interior room

As at Manah, houses extended over pathways

Garden outside the village

Engraved door

Blue and yellow paint was used to decorate the

Door bell

Double set of heavy doors on gate into village

Alley leading to the abandoned hosues

Bob making his way back to the cars