Construction of
a modern home in the gravel plain below the yanz |
stonework incorporating both wadi stones and cement blocks |
 Detail of the
newly constructed wall |
 Farmers do not
hesitate to trim trees severely despite the harsh climate |
 One of the
wadi's tree-climbing goats! |
 Yanz perched on
the ledge |
yanz (right) blend in with the rock ledge |
 Stone wall
supporting the first row of yanz |
 None of the
stone appears to have been worked |
 Fields still
used located below the rows of yanz |
 Another view of
the terrace below the yanz |
 View along the
lower rank of yanz |
 There is only
room on the ledge for the yanz and a narrow footpath |
 Doorway to a
storage building |
 Brien studying
one of the buildings |
from the ledge down onto the terraces and wadi bed |
 Several of the
yanz are still sealed |
 Many of the yanz
show signs of neglect; roof material has rotted and ceilings have collapsed |
 Detail of a
sealed entrance way |
 View inside is
similar to the house construction at Sili |
 Exterior detail
of yanz shows similarity to the houses located elsewhere in Wadi Sha'am |
 The yanz were
constructed tightly together |
 A young goat
that died inside one of the buildings |
 A lack of water
means these terraces below the yanz are now abandoned |
 As the ledge
disappears, the row of yanz terminates |
 These terraces
presumably provided the fodder once stored in the yanz |
 View across the
wadi bed towards the community at Sili |
 View down the
footpath amid the yanz |
 View of the
fronts of a collection of yanz |
 Some of the
native stone here is stained pink |
 The yanz suggest
a highly organized farming community |
 There are still
goat herds in the area below the yanz |
 View of the
spillway next to the yanz |
interior and exterior of each yanz was covered in mud to seal the buildings |
 Any flat space
was used to construct a building |
 From less than
100 meters away, the building begin to disappear into the mountain face |
 A plant
struggling to survive amid the boulders of the wadi |
 View from below
the yanz across the wadi towards Sili |