Leaving the active farms at Ramthah |

Looking across the wadi to remains of 'bait

The pass in the distance |

Starting out on the falaj |

The wadi bed, the abandoned oasis in the distance

The wadi bed, the abandoned oasis in the distance |

New, cement falaj above remains of sarooj falaj

Detail of old sarooj falaj |

The reservoir at the head of the falaj in the abandoned date garden

Track leading through the abandoned oasis |

Dead date palms in the abandoned oasis |

Goat track leading to the first pass |

View back towards Ramthah

Approaching first pass |

Approaching first pass

Remains of placed stones on track

View from top of first pass back towards Ramthah

View towards Wadi Khadrah (distance) with one of
the tributaries of Wadi Ramthah in foreground |

View up from wadi bed, path visible just right of
center |

Cut (center) is lower pass to Wadi Khadrah

Upper pass to Wadi Khadrah is beyond mountain on the left

Wadi bed of this tributary of Wadi Khadrah |

Stone 'brdige' (foreground) on one of the several
routes around gorges |

Sidr in the wadi bed |

One of the stone cairns -- with white rock on top -- marking change of

Narrow track up the slope |

View back |

Goat track visible

Small 'shelter' beside the track

Moringa peregrina |

Moringa peregrina |

Dyerophytum indicum |

Magnificent sidr in middle of wadi bed

Sidr looking downstream

Retaining wall for this section of track from
bottom of wadi to top of conglomerate |

Detail of retaining wall |

Placed stone, function unknown

First glimpse of upper pass

Upper pass

Upper pass

Approaching upper pass

Several gazelle latrines as you approach the upper

Well-worn track used by goats and donkeys |

Moringa peregrina surviving in a narrow
crack in this rock near the upper pass

Moringa peregrina

Moringa peregrina

View from upper pass down into Wadi Khadrah

Approaching Wadi Khadrah |

White stone markers used to mark trail

White stone marker (left) used to mark trail

Distance between mountrain ridges for Wadi Khadrah
several times that for Wadi Ramthah

First glimpse down into Wadi Khadrah |

Looking upstream Wadi Khadrah

Looking downstream Wadi Khadrah

Last ridge to cross before 'football house'

View downstream Wadi Khadrah

View downstream Wadi Khadrah

'Football house', 'hunting camp', 'campsite' and
'chimneys' all in the distance

Curious geological features: large stones with
desert varnish right but fine gravel left |

One the access points down into Wadi Khadrah (lower
left) |

Placed stones

Remains of a majlis, perhaps

Goat/donkey trail to 'football house'

Goat/donkey trail to 'football house' |

Short section of wall

Placed stones

Narrow track over rought ground |

One of the crescent structures at 'football house' |

Largest structure at 'football house'

Barasti, clothing, tin cans, bottles all found at
'football house'

Gazelle latrine not far from crescent-shaped
structures |

One of the tributaries of Wadi Khadrah |

Track on route back to Ramthah

Animals have kicked stones to the sides to create
obvious track

Rough ground near lower pass

Looking back towards Wadi Khadrah |

Approaching lower pass

Ramthah in distance (right)

Lower pass

Lower pass

Members following the falaj

Leaving Ramthah, approaching abandoned oasis

Lower pass visible left

Scree slope |

Members negotiating the scree slope

Members negotiating the scree slope

Profile of ascent to the upper pass and then descent to lower pass |

Track when overlaid on Google Earth |