Orange Gallery

Orange Gallery

The following photos were taken by Phil Iddison. These are images of the sour oranges which are being used in the chapter's marmalade making competition.

The fruit is grown in oases and on farms in the region. The tree is easily recognizable because of the long thorns which grow on the branches. The leave also a distinctive pattern, with small lobes on each side of the leaf stem, at the base of the leaf. Like most citrus trees, the leaves are dark and have a waxy feel.

The blossoms are extremely fragrant in the autumn. The fruit appears in late autumn and ripens during the winter months. Some fruit is available on the trees in January though most appears to be mature in late January or February. As it is not a commercially popular crop, the fruit appears in the local fruit souq infrequently. It has been seen for sale in the government produce section of the Al Ain market.

The think skin is a dark green in the young fruit. As the fruit matures, the skin becomes more irregular, with bumps protruding around the fruit. The color begins to change from light green to pale yellow and eventually a bright orange.

As evident in the photos, the interior of the fruit appears dry. There is usually one pip or seed per segment of fruit.

View of top of a whole orange and cross-section
Close up of the cross-section
Side view of a whole orange and cross-section
Side view of a whole orange and cross-section; note rough exterior
View of base of whole orange and cross-section
Close up of cross-section
Whole orange and cross-section