The Garden of Indigenous Plants in Pictures

The Garden of Indigenous Plants in Pictures

By Rob Reid

Photographs of Rob Reid's garden.

Aloe vera, Aerva and heliotropium kotchii (top to bottom)

Heliotropium kotchii and Acacia behind

Ghaf trees (Prosopis cineraria) - 2 years old

2-year-old Ziziphus spina-christi (Sifr) and Salvadora persica (toothbrush bush)

Future Ghaf forest

Ghaf trees, 18 months old - grown from seed

The fingerprints of an indigenous garden

Ghafs, Acacias and Senna italica between the Ghafs


Adenium obesum in flower

Aerva javanica in flower

Aerva in flower, Adenium behind

Starting with a clean sheet! The future garden in a dust storm


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