ENHG Opens Workroom at AAESS

ENHG Opens Workroom at AAESS

For many years, the collections and assests of the Al Ain chapter were spread around the city, kept in the private homes of members. The library collection was kept in a large metal container that was wheeled out on meeting nights.

As one might imagine, it was not long before individual items were missing from the collections as individuals came and went. The Committee decided it was time, if possible, to find a place where all the items could be brought together. This would improve the chances of the assets remaining and would provide better access to the collection for individual members.

Thanks to Jim Crawford of the Al Ain English Speaking School, an old storeroom at the school was made available. The first task was to clean out the storeroom and make some renovations.

Today the workroom houses the library collection, computer, refrigerator, specimens, cameras, maps and other items collected and donated over the years.

There was plenty of shelving available, once the storeroom materials were removed
The walls and ceiling were in need of repair
Over the years rainwater had managed to get under the roof and drain down the interior walls
There was not a lot of furniture -- other than shelving -- but members soon donated desks and chairs
Laurence inspects the ceiling once the old plywood had been removed
All the shelving was cleaned and painted


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Patron: H.E. Sheikh Nahayan bin Mubarak Al Nahayan

Served from Molalla, Oregon, United States of America