Internet Links for the UAE and Oman

Internet Links for the UAE and Oman


Birding the UAE - Western Palearctic's eastern hotspot - The site maintained by UAE Bird Recorder, Tommy Pedersen. Includes photos of many of the species present in UAE as well as birding site descriptions and records.

Hanne Jens Eriksen's Birds of Oman Website - Where to bird watch in Oman plus great photos of many UAE and Oman birds.

Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Arabia - Information on the ABBA project and lists of Arabian breeding birds. See the Phoenix and ABBA book in our library.

Ornithological Society of the Middle East - The web site of OSME includes trip reports and contents of Sandgrouse, the journal of OSME.

Avibase - The World Bird Database - An extensive database information system about all birds of the world, including distribution information, taxonomy, synonyms in several languages and more.


Asia Dragonfly - Species list and photo gallery for Asian dragonflies including UAE and Oman.

Indian Academy of Sciences - Lifescape: odonates - PDF guides to the dragonflies and damselflies of Peninsular India. Some of these species also occur in UAE and Oman.


Geology of Emirates - A brief introduction to the geology of the Emirates by a professor at UAE University.

Geology of Oman - A brief introduction to the geology of Oman.

Geological Society of Oman - See their newsletter, Al Hajar, and other resources.


Al Ain - Dr. Mohamed Yagoub's Atlas of Al Ain - The development of Al Ain as documented through Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing data. There is other interesting information and satellite imagery hosted on Dr. Yagoub's UAEU faculty web site.

Enclave of Mahdah - A description of Oman's enclave, Madha, near Khor Kalba.

Enclave of Nahwa - A description of an interesting piece of geographical trivia ... an enclave within an enclave! This bit of Sharjah is inside the Omani enclave of Mahda.

Directory of Cities and Towns in Oman

Directory of Cities and Towns in UAE

Regions of Oman


Bedouins, wealth and change - A Study of Rural Development in the United Arab Emirates and the Sultanate of Oman. This online publication from the United Nations University provides a wealth of information about the development of this region through 1980.

The UAE: From Bold Dream to Spectacular Reality in One Generation. A 1995 report on UAE development in the Washington Report On Middle East Affairs.

UAE - A Cultural Profile. A study funded by the Citizenship and Immigration Canada and published in 1999. Part of a series of cultural profiles of many countries. Available in both HTML and Adobe Acrobat (PDF) formats.

Historical Association of Oman. "Founded on 5th February 1972 with the main aim of collecting artifacts for a museum. This Association is now not only about history - we also have lectures and field trips on subjects as diverse as archaeology to geology to natural history by local and visiting lecturers." The site has information on museums in Oman and publications for sale including The Geology of Oman.
A copy of the HAO newsletter of April 1976 and an early version of the HAO constitution are available here.

Text files PDF files JPG files
Historical Association of Oman Constitution Historical Association of Oman Constitution Page One
HAO Bulletin  April 1976 HAO Bulletin  April 1976 Page Two
    Page Three
    April 1976 Newsletter

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Patron: H.E. Sheikh Nahayan bin Mubarak Al Nahayan

Served from Molalla, Oregon, United States of America