The following is the text of a letter presented to Jerry Buzzell in recognition of his years of contributions to the Emirates Natural History Group. The presentation took place at the Al Ain chapter's Photography Exhibition on Tuesday 25 May 2010.
25 May 2010
The Committee and membership of the Al Ain chapter are pleased to present Gerald (Jerry) R. Buzzell with a lifetime membership in the Emirates Natural History Group in recognition of his generous contributions of time, expertise and enthusiasm over many years.
Shortly after his arrival here in 2000, Jerry discovered the Group and, in those intervening years, rarely missed an outing, a general meeting, a Committee meeting, and, of course, any opportunity to take photographs.
It was Jerry’s enthusiasm and expertise with photography that struck others over the years, an interest that was instrumental in the organization of the original photography competitions that quickly developed into one of the most popular events of the annual calendar. His generosity extended to field trip leader, with particular interest in Aboul and Subaitah, where he always managed to create what one friend described as a ‘vivid experience’ for others.
Jerry has been an enthusiastic supporter of the Group from all points of view and never shied away from criticism where he thought criticism was due; his views were always relevant and contributed to the improvement of the Group, its program and direction. His unselfish support and contributions to individuals behind the scenes are too numerous to mention.
He willingly shouldered responsibilities including Chair of the Al Ain chapter, serving many years as Vice Chair, leader of the Photography Special Interest Group, and always an engaged Committee member, field trip leader and event organizer. His contributions of time, energy and enthusiasm have, in brief, enriched and enabled the chapter, helping to make the Al Ain chapter the active, dynamic organization it is.
On behalf of all those whose lives have been enriched by your generosity, thank you, Jerry.
Brien Holmes