About Abu Dhabi Natural History Group

About Abu Dhabi Natural History Group

The Abu Dhabi chapter of the ENHG was the first chapter, established in Abu Dhabi in 1976 following a community meeting regarding the dugong population of the Arabian Gulf. The ENHG, the oldest non-governmental organisation (NGO) dealing with environmental topics in the United Arab Emirates, provides an active and progressive forum, for experts and enthusiasts alike.

The main aim of the ENHG is to encourage and assist members and other interested individuals in the study and appreciation of the natural history and archaeology of Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates, the Middle East and the world at large.

What are the benefits of becoming a member of ENHG?

  • Lectures

The chapter organizes bi-monthly hour-long lectures given by experts from a wide range of fields e.g. natural history, archaeology, paleontology, Arabic culture/history, geology and astronomy.

  • Tribulus

All members and sponsors of the Abu Dhabi chapter receive Tribulus which is published bi-annually by the group and is the only peer-reviewed English language scientific journal of its kind in the UAE. 

  • Field Trips

ENHG offer a regular programme of day and overnight field trips, usually led by experts, to areas of interest throughout the UAE.  Past excursions include a mountain climb, mangrove tour, family weekend, survey work, bird watching etc.

  • Focus

The group sends out a monthly newsletter called 'Focus' to all its members and sponsors. Each issue contains information about the happenings of the group over  the previous month, forthcoming talks, field trips and points of note relating to natural history and archaeology in the region. All members can contribute to the newsletter. Some issues of the newsletter are available here.

  • ENHG Yahoo Group website

Members are invited to join the ENHG Yahoo Group website which provides another forum for information on the group’s activities and allow members to communicate with one another.  You can join the group by sending a blank email to AUHENHG-subscribe@yahoogroups.co.uk .

  • Library

By prior arrangement, all members have access to the group's extensive natural history and archaeology library. 

  • Book Stall

A variety of natural history and archaeology books can be purchased at a discounted price from a book stall at the lectures.

  • The ENHG Research and Conservation Fund

Each year the group sets aside money in the form of a fund to support research and conservation efforts in the fields of natural history and archaeology in the UAE.  The fund is open to members and non-members and awards are made at the discretion of the committee.  Past awards include bird studies and funding an archaeological dig at a Neolithic site at Abu Dhabi International Airport.  To apply, write a proposal, including a breakdown of the costs and give it to any member of the committee.

  • Corporate Sponsorship

ENHG is an NGO which relies on sponsorship and membership fees to cover the publication and printing costs of Tribulus, costs associated with guest speakers, and to finance the Research and Conservation Fund.  All sponsors are acknowledged, get exposure in Focus, and our members are encouraged to support them when possible.  Sponsoring ENHG is an opportunity for companies to support conservation and awareness of the natural history and archaeology of the UAE. 

  • How to become a member

Membership of the group is open to all for only 100 Dhs /individual or family/calendar year.  Simply come along to one of the lectures and fill out a short application form.

  • Where are the meetings held?

The ENHG now meets in the main auditorium at the Abu Dhabi Men's College of the Higher Colleges of Technology at 7:30 pm on the first and third Tuesday of each month--with the exception of July and August. (Meetings during Ramadan begin no earlier than 8:00 pm.) 

Click here to download information and a map for the location.


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Copyright © 1977-2011 Emirates Natural History Group
Patron: H.E. Sheikh Nahayan bin Mubarak Al Nahayan

Served from Molalla, Oregon, United States of America