Village One Hike in the Heat
Village One Hike in the Heat
Despite the heat of early summer, ENHG members Will Moore, Bill Jones and
Brigitte Howarth walked in the mountains east of Khutwah in search of new
attractions for the organization. The trip route was, it turned out, a direct
path from Khutwah to what we now know as Village Two; we have discovered much
easier routes in the interim.
The trip did, however, result in the chapter finding a source of a rare type
of freshwater snail. A few weeks later, when it was even hotter, another group,
joined by Gary Feulner of the Dubai NHG, made the trip to Village Two by a less
rigorous route.

Bill adjusting Will's pack as they walk alongside a deep wadi

At Village One, a metal bowl filled with stones in the middle of an old house

Will enjoying a refreshing swim in one of the mountain pools in the area