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Volume 4.2 October 1994 Contents


Editorial ... 4
  [by A.R. Western]

A Pre-Islamic Christian site on Sir Bani Yas ... 5
  by Dr. G.R.D. King and Peter Hellyer

Results of the 1994 archaeological season in Mileiha ... 7
  by Dr. Michel Mouton

Early Metallurgical activities in Mileiha ... 9
  by Dr. Alain Ploquin

The Sabkhat Matti -a Forgotten Wadi System? ... 10
  by Tim Goodall

Sooty Falcons in the United Arab Emirates ... 14
  by Simon Aspinall

Impact of the oil spill on intertidal areas along the East Coast of the UAE in April 1994 ... 20
  by Benno Böer and Andrew Griggs

Notes and Queries ... 24
  Petroglyphs in Wadi Ashwani, Fujairah;
  Two interesting garden residents;
  Cobras, wolves and local tales -a personal view on recording;
  Sheikh Mubarak Natural History Prize

Recorders' Reports ... 26
  Archaeology and Palaeontology;

Corporate Members / Group Meetings ... 29

Book Reviews ... 30

Book Reviews (in Arabic) ... 31

Notes and Queries (in Arabic) ... 32

Editorial (in Arabic) ... 33

Contents (in Arabic) ... 34

Cover illustrations:
English: A European Bee Eater, Merops apiaster; A spring and autumn migrant and rare breeding resident of the UAE.
  Picture: David Robinson
Arabic: An ancient Acacia tree on the northern plains of the UAE.
  Picture: Simon Aspinall

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