The Life of Charles Dalrymple Belgrave
"Do not let Belgrave go or you will have no-one to defend you from
the English." This was the message passed to Shaikh Sulman by King Saud
early in 1956. The circumstances in which not only the Egyptian but also the
British Foreign Offices, each for their own reasons, wanted the British Adviser
out of Bahrain against the wishes of Shaikh Sulman, do not concern us here. What
does concern us is what manner of English man this was who, after 30 years as
the Adviser and servant of the Ruler of Bahrain, his Prime Minister, Head of
Finance, Chief of Police, magistrate and clerk of the works, could call forth
such a message from the King of a neighbouring Arab state. How did it come about
that he arrived in Bahrain in the first place; and what role did he play in
Bahrain's history during his early years here?"
It is an honour and a great privilege to have been invited to take part in
this historical congress. I believe that this event is itself a significant step
in the history of Bahrain, since, as one who has returned to the profession of
history after a career in more active areas, I believe that it is in the
consciousness and understanding of its own history, the bad parts as well as the
good, that a country can best find its way forward through the tangle of current
events. In some ways, this invitation came a year too early for me, because when
I received it, I was only just beginning the research for a book about the
Adviser -- al Musstashar as he was known in Bahrain -- to be based mainly on his
personal diaries, which I have been given permission to use for the purpose --
my other main source being the papers in the India Office Library in London.
Apart from incomplete research, and one's own shortcomings as an historian,
there are a number of particular difficulties which face the historian of recent
events. The first is that a period which lies just outside the personal memory
of all but a very few people, but which touches the lives of many of us quite
directly is particularly delicate ground, especially when as in this case, it is
little documented. The second is the nature of the main source. For a very
reticent man, carrying a heavy load of responsibility at a very early age, a
diary can become the repository of the irritations and frustrations of the long
hot days, as well as the record of immediate reactions to events and to people,
reactions which events and to people, reactions which would often be revised
with time. Therefore while I do not think one should conceal facts or comment
which throw light on the events or personalities or the relationships of the
period, equally I do not think one should seek out quotations merely for the
sake of sensationalism. And that is the rule which I have tried to apply in this
paper together with an attempt to put extracts form the diary in their
historical context. The third difficulty is that the period under review saw the
foundation of the modern relationship which has evolved between Bahrain and
Britain, a relationship built on equality and trust, whose existence today is I
think the best memorial to the man we are discussing, and the one which would
have pleased him most. Having myself served as a young man in the British
Foreign Service, the last thing I would want to do is to damage that
relationship in any way. And that brings me to the fourth difficulty, which is
that this is not just the story of one man, but in many ways more the story of
two families, the aI Khalifa whom he served faithfully for 31 years. and his own
family, especially his wife and descendants. As a member of that family, and one
who had great affection and admiration for him, I am particularly conscious of
the pitfalls which open in front of the indiscreet cousin. We all have our
cousins, some give us more trouble than others. But as an historian I am
concerned to describe things as they were and I trust that what I say will be
taken in that spirit. My concern is for the history and atmosphere of the times
-- times which though recent have changed fundamentally in many ways, whatever
the superficial resemblances.
Another point which is important to bear in mind especially when reading old
diaries is that over a period of fifty years. the English language, as no doubt
the Arabic language, has changed. Words which were used by the previous
generation in a perfectly neutral descriptive sense -- such as native -- have
since acquired pejorative overtones. Expressions used quite unselfconsciously
50 years ago amongst certain classes of the English -- such as whether or not a
particular person was a "gentleman" now sound faintly ridiculous. And
the translation of Arabic into English has changed also -- I have adopted the
spellings used in the documents. Finally in handling these diaries it has to be
borne in mind that the habit of the British serving overseas of writing a daily
journal in a duplicate book, was originally a device for keeping members of
one's family at home in touch with one's daily doings; not primarily as a record
of key events, still less as a source for future historians or justification for
one's actions. One practical difficulty is that nine tenths of the diary is
taken up with personal and social gossip --"bridge with the Missionaries,
what boring women", interspersed occasionally with descriptions or comments
of historical significance.
So much by way of introduction. How came Belgrave to arrive in Bahrain with
his newly-married wife on March 1st 1926? It requires quite an effort of
historical imagination today to realise that only 60 years ago, the British
imperial position in the world, and particularly in India and on the routes to
India was a fact of life evident to all and scarcely questioned least of all by
the British themselves. Nobody at the time would have been surprised when the
Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon, on his famous tour of the Gulf in 1903, said in a
speech to the assembled shaikhs in Sharjah "There are persons who ask why
Great Britain continues to exercise these powers. The history of your states and
of your families and the present condition of the Gulf are the answer. We were
here before any other power in modem times had shown its face in these waters.
It was our commerce as well as your security that was threatened and called for
protection. The peace of these waters must still be maintained, and the
influence of the British Government must remain supreme." It was Curzon,
who visited Bahrain a few days earlier, carried ashore in the chair which still
stands in the British Embassy here, who approved the appointment of Captain
Prideaux of the Indian Political Service as the first full British Political
Agent in Bahrain. By 1926, Prideaux was Political Resident, based in Bushire but
responsible to the Government of India for British interests in the whole of the
Gulf, and the subordinate position of Political Agent in Bahrain was held by a
certain Major Daly. Daly was a peppery and short tempered Irishman who had
transferred at the end of the 1914 - 18 war from the Indian army to the British
civil administration in Iraq under the League of Nations mandate. Gossip had it
that he was moved from there because his impatience to see modem methods of
administration had provoked the 1920 rebellion against the British on the
Euphrates. By the time he reached Bahrain, three new sources of concern had been
added to the traditional interests "to maintain the peace of the Gulf and
protect trade" as expressed in the official orders to the Senior Naval
Officer. These concerns were -- the rival ambitions of Persia, and of lbn Saud,
to fill the vacuum caused by the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the newly
perceived potential for the development via the Gulf of the air route to India,
and of oil. Daly's almost missionary zeal for good government was thus
reinforced by the concern of his superiors that in Bahrain as elsewhere in the
Gulf, internal administration and stability should be adequate to permit the
development of trade, oil exploration and communications, whilst in their
external relations, for which the British were responsible under the treaties,
the treatment of the Hasawis and of Persian citizens in Bahrain should not
provide either Ibn Saud or the Persian government with any pretext to assert
jurisdiction or claims there. This was particularly the case in 1922, with the
imminent submission to the League of Nations of the Persian claim. And it was
this that led the British authorities to overcome their normal reluctance to
become embroiled in the internal affairs of Bahrain. As Sir Charles Belgrave
himself put it in his autobiography "Personal Column", "Shaikh
Isa bin Ali had, very unwillingly, been "persuaded" by the British to
retire from active control of affairs after ruling the country for 55 years and
his son Shaikh Hamad, who had been heir apparent since 1893, had assumed control
in 1923."
In order to support Shaikh Hamad in his newly assumed task of "bringing
the Government of Bahrain up to the plane of modem civilisation", the
Government of India and their representatives in the Gulf advised him to allow
them to engage on his behalf two or three experienced British officials.
Initially they took on a chief of customs (de Grenier), to modernise the
customs, the sole source of revenue to the State, which hitherto had been farmed
out to Hindu contractors with predictably unsatisfactory results. Apart from
increasing the state revenue, the British had an additional interest in this, as
they believed with some justification that a large part of the Gulf arms trade
illicitly passed through Bahrain. Secondly, they wished to recruit a Chief of
Police. And thirdly, it was Daly's original idea to recruit a financial adviser
who would if possible also relieve the Political Agent of some of his court work
in discharging the jurisdiction which Britain had asserted over all non-Bahraini
subjects. No suitable member of the British establishment in India could be
found. Thus it was that on August 10th 1925 the following advertisement appeared
in the Personal Column of the Times:
"Young Gentleman, aged 22/28. Public School and/or University education,
required for service in an Eastern State. Good salary and prospects to suitable
man, who must be physically fit; highest references; proficiency in languages an
On 17th September 1925 the following telegram was sent from the Secretary of
State for India in London to the Viceroy "Shaikh Hamad of Bahrain recently
asked the Political Agent, Daly, to seek for British Officer as Financial
Adviser similar to (Bertram) Thomas at Muscat. Prideaux (Political Resident then
on leave in London) seeks Government of India sanction for engagement of Charles
Dalrymple Belgrave, whom he considers in every way suitable. He is
administrative officer cadet on leave from Tanganyika preparatory to resignation.
Age 31. Arabic, Swahili, French. Served in Egypt in civil as well as military
capacity. Passed exams in Indian Penal code; evidence act; criminal procedure
and local laws -- salary over 800 Rupees a month."
In the usual bureaucratic way, Delhi asked for clarification and detailed
proposals; and it was indeed some years before the terms of service were finally
settled, or the precise duties clarified. From the diary it transpires that the
job offered and accepted was indeed as Adviser to the Bahrain Government, not as
a British official or assistant to the Political Agent but the terms of service
were to be based "on those of the Indian Political Service. The four year
contract was signed on arrival by Belgrave, sealed with the Shaikh's seal, and
countersigned by Daly. It provided for renewal "provided the parties agree
and the Government of India approves". One clause prohibited any
"engagement in trade". It look some years to straighten out the
equivalent of "local furlough in hill stations"; while the doubts of
successive Political Agents as to Belgrave's precise status were only finally
set at rest in a letter from the Political Resident to the Political Agent in
May 1928, in reply to a request from the latter for approval for the Shaikh's
desire to pay Mrs Belgrave's passage to India, where her husband was to go to
recruit new policemen; the Shaikh was reported to consider that "it would
be unseemly to leave her behind". The Political Resident in his reply was
quite clear "Mr Belgrave is a Bahrain Government servant and any action the
Shaikh takes is his own business as an independent ruler. Our only concern is to
see that he is not fleeced -- and this is not the case". By the time that
the date for renewal came round, the Political Agent evidently felt that the
Advisor was too inclined to assert his independence of Britain and his sole
loyalty to Bahrain and it is reported that he raised some difficulties about
obtaining the "approval" of the Government of India. However on 5th
May 1929 the PA reported to the PR "I have received a letter from Shaikh
Hamad that he is extending C D Belgrave's appointment for a further fourr years
"because I have found him doing his best in all matters that are of service
to my Government."
The principle of service was indeed the dominant feature of the new Adviser's
background and character. His family had for centuries been
"squarsons" -- owning modest estates in the central shires of England,
together with the right to appoint whom they chose as Rectors or parish priests
of the village of North Kilworth in Leicestershire. In the previous 300 years,
they had exercised this right in favour of members of their own family seven
times. His father was perhaps the black sheep of the family; a barrister who
seldom practised law; an unsuccessful adventurer in the diamond fields of South
Africa and the gold mines of California, a writer of incredibly bad novels. His
mother, a Quaker of partly Swiss origin, preferred to live at Chatelard on the
shores of Lake Geneva, and it was here that the two boys spent their holidays
from school in England -- James. the much loved brother, who was to die in air
combat over France in 1918; and Charles, never known as such until he was
knighted, but always by family and friends as Carol. His grandfather, Captain
Thomas Belgrave, Royal Navy, had served as first lieutenant in a ship commanded
by one Admiral Dacres, along with his brother as chaplain, and both had married
daughters of their commanding officer. Their father-in-law for his part had
married the daughter of Sir Hew Dalrymple, one of the least successful British
generals in the Peninsula War against the French; and it was after him that
Carol was named. His practice of signing himself C Dalrymple Belgrave while in
Bahrain was regarded as something of an affectation by the rest of his family.
When Carol went up to Oxford University in 1913, it was with the clear intention
that he should go into the Church and succeed his uncle as Rector of North
Kilworth. Although the events of the Kaiser's war turned him away from this
calling, it is likely that in many ways he saw his service to the people of
Bahrain in the same light as he would have seen his service to the parishioners
of an English village. Certainly he was no stranger to the idea of the
relationship between the Squire and the Parson in 19th century England; the
former exercising rights of property and jurisdiction over his estates and
over all the people who lived on them, the latter apart from his religious
duties, concerning himself with their physical well being and with the
enlightenment and education of the squire's sons; and sharing the squire's
social and sporting activities. This relationship has striking similarities to
that which he established with two successive Rulers of Bahrain. Commissioned
into the army like all his contemporaries at Oxford, Belgrave found himself on a
troopship to Egypt, where with his nose for adventure, he applied for and
reported in his diary in 1917 "got the Camel Corps job". Here he began
to learn Arabic, and saw some active service in Abyssinia. Then as the war was
en- ding, he found himself in the Egyptian Frontier Force -still of course under
British administration, and as such, was sent as Political Officer to Siwa. This
is the oasis far to the South in the Egyptian desert, famous in history as the
seat of the oracle of Jupiter Ammon and of Alexander's pilgrimage, and the
scene more recently of some of Colonel Gaddafi's less publicised exploits. A
more conventional British officer alone in this post, might have confined
himself to his primary task of keeping an eye on the Senussi. Belgrave threw
himself into the local administration, "cleaning-up" the town and
causing the inhabitants to clear out wells, re-establish water irrigation
channels and replant date gardens. After 18 months, he caught typhoid and nearly
died before being retrieved by armoured car to Mersa-Matruh. A letter from
hospital to his first cousin (my father) shows him at 28 uncertain of the future
and seeking advice whether to apply for a regular :ommission as an army officer.
In the event he returned home and spent a 'fear enjoying the company of his
family and of those few of his friends Nho had survived the war, and writing 1
book about Siwafar the best of the three books he ever published. There
followed two years as a probationer in the Colonial Service in Tanganyika, but
the prospect of a career in that service satisfied neither his taste for the
exotic nor his desire to earn a salary which would convince her father that he
was a suitable match for the tall fair-haired daughter of family friends,
Marjorie Barrett-Lennard. It was at this point that he saw the advertisement in
the Personal Column of the Times and applied for the job, which turned out to be
in Bahrain, a place about which, as he says in his autobiography, he knew
nothing, and could find out little.
The appointment apparently satisfied his prospective father-in-law, the head
of a Norfolk family with a similar "service" background to his own but
considerably larger estates. A few days after their marriage, the pair set off
for the Near East and after crossing the desert by Nairn car, took ship at
Basra. Here we can let the diary speak for itself.
"The Patrick Stewart, cable boat, which brought us from Bushire sighted
Bahrain about breakfast time. A long low island with thick palm groves coming
right down to the sea, one big town close to the shore, and another town on a
smaller island. Lot of sailing dhows off the coast, and water near the shore
which was coloured every shade of blue and green and purple. Altogether quite a
pleasant looking place. Fairly calm, but M had a bad time in the night. The
engines vibrate more than on any boat I have ever been in.
Met by Daly with two cars in which we motored up to the
"Residency". It appears to be a huge house, owing to the great wide verandas, close to the sea. Well built and quite pretty drawing room. Mrs D met
us here. Lunch and then the others went back to the boat. M didn't feel well so
went early to bed. Very seedy, seems to be a continuation of sea effects. Had a
long talk with D. The job sounds really crammed with interest so much intrigue
and politics that one needs to be awfully careful.
"Rather disappointed to find that they are building a new house for us
which will take several months and so meanwhile we are to be protem in a house
next door. Gorgeous night, a nearly full moon over the sea. The town, what I saw
of it, looked wonderfully clean and tidy, rather like a big town in upper Egypt.
"The view over the sea is lovely, all the time a great traffic of
sailing boats, of every sort and size, mostly going over to the other island. We
are to go out to supper with the Shaikh at the end of the week, at one of the
houses inland. Am feeling just a little nervous of meeting him first. Daly was
telling me of his experiences when he took the party about in England."
"In the afternoon went a drive with the Ds in the car out beyond the
town past date gardens with streams and springs among them which reminded me
much of Siwa. All very clean and pretty. We returned through the town. Very
narrow streets, large-high houses -- wonderfully clean. Some houses have
handsome carved doors like the ones in Zanzibar, and copper doorknockers on the
outside. The houses look enormously large mainly owing to the big verandas
above and below. It was late so we saw no open shops except a few coffee
shops." "The house where we are staying is just next door and the new
one, being built at a cost of £6,000 immediately opposite it so that we can
watch it being done.
Daly and Mrs D are both very small -- and we looked very large compared to
Good Friday
"Good Friday. Spent the morning with Daly in his office. He talks and I
take notes. He wants to get me au fait with all the politics and the endless
intrigues of the place before he leaves, one of the most awkward people is the
Director of Customs. de Grenier.
"Socially this place seems a wash out.
Saturday 3 April
"Worked with Daly all morning and did Arabic all the afternoon. D is
awfully good at teaching it and I learnt more in an afternoon with him than
during a week at the school. Later we went a picnic to a spring among the date
gardens, taking tea in the car. Very pleasant out there and just like Siwa. Daly
loves the place, and he has absolutely made it during his five years here. I can
see that he feels about it as I did of Siwa and hates anybody to criticize it.
He works awfully hard and is intensely anxious that all his work won't be
wasted, as it might be if someone came who didn't bother about things. He was
pleased to find that I talked much better Arabic than he expected.
Easter Sunday
"Wrote letters in the morning for the up mail via Basra and overland
which left at noon. It depends whether it catches the convoy at Bagdad as to
whether it gets home quickly. In the afternoon we went to tea with the
missionaries. A dreadful house, very damp and smelly, and all the windows shut,
quite painfully ugly, and a most unpleasant tea. The whole white population were
present, afterwards a service at the church -- the sort of performance that
simply makes one squirm. Impromptu and very personal prayers, a long solo sung
by a female with a dreadful voice and a German accent, and a sermon in broadest
American which lasted half an hour. Altogether a most trying experience.
Afterwards we motored out to the Shaikh's country house in the middle of the
Island where he likes to live among his horses and dogs and camels, hawking and
motoring and doing no work. We started late so it was dark before we arrived. M
and I, Daly, Mrs Daly and the boy and a fellow called Holmes, an Australian, but
rather nice who has got an oil concession, and H's Arab agent in two cars. Drove
through date groves and gardens and then across a stretch of desert past a great
plain covered with burial mounds -- never excavated! We reached the village
after dark. Drove past a number of tethered donkeys and camels. A crowd of Arabs
round the door of the Shaikh's smaller audience room. The Shaikh greeted us
outside. A nice old fellow with a pleasant intelligent expression in white robes
and the usual Arab camel hair head ornament. A handsome room, about fifty feet
long, no furniture, just carpets and a few cushions propped against the wall,
and a big round grass mat in the centre. Sat and talked for some time. I spoke a
bit and found I could understand a good deal of the Arabic though its very
different to the Egyptian pronunciation. Several notables came in and were
introduced but only the Shaikh and Holmes' agent stayed inside. The walls were
white with square window spaces with most beautiful Arabesque patterns cut out
in them. Handsome carved wooden doors and windows along one side of the room,
and a very attractive roof made of wood from Zanzibar. Cool and pleasing to the
eye. A dozen boys brought in the supper balancing huge trays on their heads.
Before dinner the usual hand washing in a brass bowl with brass pitcher of
scented water. The food was very good. Two roast sheep in the centre, stuffed
with whole roast chickens, stuffed with eggs, reposing on a huge mound of rice.
All sorts of risoles, rice with flavouring, sheets of thin beautifully made
native bread, some rather messy puddings, dates, greasy soup, and a lot of
wasted birds and hard boiled eggs; no spoons or forks. Afterwards more hand
washing, sprinkling with scent from a fine old brass scent sprinkler, and
incense. Sat and talked for some time, and then motored home. It seems, curious
that old Shaikh Hamed who looks like an ordinary Arab, should have an income of
between 15 & 20 thousand a year, and should be employing me! After dinner he
had a private talk with D and complained, as usual, that one of his people, sort
of steward, was robbing him and he had caught him borrowing money in his name.
He is swindled right and left and part of my job will be to keep off the people
who get money out of him.
"It would take ages to write about all the intrigue and the twisted
politics which one needs to know all about here. Certainly there is plenty of
subject for a book, but I doubt if people would believe all about it."
Within a few months. the Belgraves had settled into an official and domestic
routine, though still living in temporary lodgings at the police fort while
their house next to the British Agency was being completed. Belgrave would leave
the fort before 7 and walk through the bazaar to his office. startling the
clerks by his early appearance. There he would frequently be joined by Shaikh
Hamad and his brother Shaikh Abdulla, and together they would settle government
business. After breakfast he would sit as a magistrate in his court, see
visitors of all nationalities, and usually spend some time with Daly the
Political Agent, whose zeal in interfering in the internal affairs of Bahrain,
was undiminished by occasional reminders from his superiors that these were none
of his business. After lunch, the Belgraves would walk or drive to explore the
island. Their evenings were spent in an endless round of visits with the 20 or
so other members of the European community, in which tennis and bridge were the
main entertainment. Sometimes they were the guests of members of the al Khalifa
family or of the leading merchants.
On Wednesday 4th August however an event occurred which, though accidental in
itself, finally caused the Britsh to put an end to the ambiguities in the
relationships between the Political agent, Belgrave and Shaikh Hamad. Extracts
from the diary of the foIlowing month describe what happened, and give an
account also of those of the Adviser's day-to-day duties which he was still able
to fit in.
Wednesday 4th August
"Went down to the office as usual, I was talking to de Grenier outside
when Mohamed my head servant rushed up and said that there was a row at the Fort
and Daly and the Subadar had been shot. Got a car from Kanoo and motored up
through the market. Near the Fort we saw lots of people standing about and at
doors of houses. Found Marjorie on the veranda not particularly agitated. Left
de G and went through inside the Fort. Heard that while Dalv was in the office
with the subadar one of the Baluchi sepoys had shot the subadar and the shot
went clean through him and hit Dalv too. He then shot a havildar and attacked D
with a bayonet. The men appeard quite quiet. Took the car and went down to the
Agency. Found Daly pretty bad with the Doctor doing him up, shot in the ear and
bayoneted in five places, the subadar and the havildar hoth in hospital very
badly wounded. A huge excited crowd all round the Agency. Motored back to fort;
saw the fellow who did the shooting. Had him properly jugged, then had
breakfast. Motored down to the office. A real panic in the town. The people got
it into their heads that all the officers and white men had been shot and the
Levy Corps were on mutiny and going to loot the bazaar. Every single shop had
shut in five minutes and a mob of people made for the boats and fled to
Muharraq, others rushed off to the gardens outside the town. Got hold of a few
influential men and got the place quiet and shops open again. Wrote to Shaikh
Isa and told him all that had happened, went round to Shaikh Hamad and told him
as he had at once gone to see Daly and was rather scared and furiously angry.
Thursday 5th August
Came down and saw Daly in morning and then went to office. He is quite bad
with bandages all over. The Subadar's funeral took place in the morning and in
the afternoon the Havildar died and was buried in the evening. Very depressing.
The widows wail continuously but there does not seem to be anything wrong with
the men. Am writing back as diary these days I was so desperately busy with my
own work and a lot of Daly's as well and all this extra work. Marjorie came down
in the evening to see Daly and then went for a drive with me in the car. The
town is full of the very wildest rumours and the people are very panicy. The
Shaikh calls every day to see Daly. He thinks the whole thing was a plot and
that Haji Sulman, head of Police and the chief man of Levy were all to have been
shot. Very hot damp day and yesterday quite the worst day we have had yet.
Perfectly quiet and normal at the fort, and the prisoner is in cell just below
my dressing room. If there was going to be any trouble it would have taken place
before now.
Friday 6th August
Spent the whole morning in the Levy Corps taking down all the evidence about
the shooting. The accused made no attempt to deny it and said he did it because
the Subadar had reduced him from Naik to sepoy. He said he didn't mean to get
Daly with a shot but he did mean to get him with his bayonet as Daly called out
"catch him". The Guard behaved very badly running away as soon as they
heard shots and they were the only people who were around. Daly has called a
cruiser as it appears that there is more in it than meets the eye. The mullah
who comes from Russian, Persian frontier appears to be at the bottom of it, a
nasty fanatical looking fellow with green eyes, rather like a bad edition of a
religious picture, long hair and beard and robes. After tea we went over to
Sitra island in a joliboat. The wind dropped and the tide was against us so we
didn't arrive till 8pm, then had to walk to the Levy post which I looked at and
found extremely sloppy and put in order. Stayed there some time and then
returned to the boat by which time it was quite dark. The tide was with us but
no wind and we ran aground. Really very awkward, spent a long time trying to
push off the boat and then walked instead, they carried M but it was quite
shallow. Arrived at a village and borrowed a donkey from an old woman who
thought we were thieves then with the Nakhuda and the Levy Corps orderly who I
had brought, fortunately we went back to Manama, M riding the donkey and I
walking -- about 5 miles. Got back at 12.30 and found a perfectly good dinner
ready waiting for us. Really these native servants are surprising when there is
an emergency. A hot damp night. Gave M the pearl which I bought for her
Saturday 7th August
Daily persuaded us to come down to the Agency as he didn't like the
responsibility of Majorie being alone at the fort for so long every day. My own
opinion is that there is really no danger at all but Daly has cabled for
cruisers and is making a real big show of it all. Both of us are rather
indignant at being made to leave the fort. It looks as if we were afraid of
being there but really I am perfectly confident that there won't be any more
trouble. It was obviously a single outbreak.
Monday 9th August
The Cruiser Cyclamen arrived in the afternoon and the Captain, Perryman came
ashore in the evening, later he went back and sent a party of sailors and a
machine gun along to the agency. M and I motored to the customs to meet them but
found they had come direct to the Agency pier. We organised 50 Persians as sort
of special police to patrol the town at nights as the people are rather nervy
and all the bad hats have taken the opportunity of being up to mischief. Robbers
broke into a house opposite the fort and shot the owner in the leg, quite poor
people too and a great shame. I went along to the place before breakfast and
heard all about it. Imposed on Haji Abbas to take temporary charge of the
police. There is decidedly great apprehension in the town, as Daly said in his
telegram to Bushire.
Tuesday 10th August
Long court before breakfast as I am taking some of the Agency cases too. The
Triad with the Senior Naval Officer, Parry is now going to come. Daly very
pleased and also rather gratified by getting a wire from the Viceroy enquiring
after him and sending condolences to the families of the men who were shot.
Wednesday 11 th August
The down mail arrived with Stewart-Horner, Chief Secretary from Bushire, a
conceited little rat but quite intelligent. Went to the office of the fort,
everything quite normal at the latter. Daly wants to disband the whole Levy
Corps and to have Indian Army instead. Sat and talked to Horner all the
afternoon and told him particulars of all that had happened.
Thursday 12th August
The Triad (Royal Navy Cruiser) arrived. Spent most of the morning taking down
evidence in the Haji Sulman shooting case. There seem to be two men, who are
mixed up in it. Parry and Perryman came to dinner and afterwards we played
Bridge a lively party. Daly criticized Prideaux, they all agreed that the
desription of "the appearance of a bishop and with manners and morals of a
stable boy" suits him admirably. Daly as he is Ieaving can't mind what he
does or says. Daly is really making the most of this show, and now the Navy
seem to feel that it is up to them to make a splash so they have planned a sort
of field day tomorrow by entering the fort and disarming Levies. I have spent
many hours at the fort every day -- yet they talk as if to enter the fort it was
necessary to have two men-o-war's crews as garrison. Much of this show is
intensely comic.
Friday 13th August
Motored down to the quay at 7.30. Thereupon arrived the two captains and all
the men off both cruisers, bristling with rifles, bayonets, revolvers, machine
guns and complete first aid outfit. I cannot imagine whether they really thought
there was going to be fighting -- I had been into the fort on my way down!
Marched solemnly through the bazaar with the SNO (Senior Naval Officer Persian
Gulf) at the head of the troops. Being Friday the bazaar was very empty but a
few small boys ran along behind. The sailors seemed very hot and exhausted by
the time we reached the plain I walk it every morning to and from my office!
They seemed to consider it quite a long march Halted outside the fort, where if
there had been any such idea the party would have made a fine target, sent out
flanking parties and all sorts of silly fuss. I, with the Captain and the main
lot walked up to the fort and into the yard. The Levy men seemed quite
interested -- and of course perfectly amiable. Really I felt a fool. Put guards
on the arms and a guard on the door, and an officer is in charge of the guard
who I said might use my dressing room in the bungalow. Arrested the mullah and
removed the other prisoner down to the Agency.
Sunday 15th August
Paid out the Levy Corps men. Really they are not such a bad looking crowd. I
believe only three or four of them were affected but Daly wants them to go, bag
and baggage.
Monday 16th August
In the Court all day on the Haji Sulman (Chief of Police) case. Heard the
evidence for the prosecutor, not very interesting to me as they all said exactly
what they told me before. Captain Parry R.N. came to lunch, quite a nice fellow
really. Much conversation about the laziness and incapability of Prideaux at
Bushire. Started again after lunch and went on all the afternoon. After tea M
& I went out a drive up to the Budaiya road and back by Souk al Khamis. Had
a look at the house when we came back. Various interchange of telegrams. The
Levies are getting tired of waiting here. Daly wants to remove the whole Levy
Corps (Baluchis) and get Indians. Prideaux at Bushire thinks we are all making
too much fuss over it all. I really think Daly is determined to retire after his
5 years here with big flare up! He is himself much better now, but still gets a
lot of fever and does too much. Cool windy day; the Shamaal is blowing again,
thank goodness. I went to office in morning and the Shaikh came in. Later he
came to call on Daly at the Agency. The Courtyard is positively littered with
prisoners in chains and bristling with armed guards and bluejackets. A good deal
of it is really enormously comic!
Tuesday August 31st
Cast off remainder of the Levy Corps and the Police who are to go. They
seemed, like the others, quite happy and glad to get away. The navy marched them
down from fort to pier, where I paid them. A number of ladies tried to hurl
themselves into the dhows and to go with them but were prevented, really it
would be a good riddance to have sent them off too.
Wednesday Sept 1st
Got home early from office for once in a way. In the afternoon we drove out
with Mahomed Khalil to a place called Kurzakhan where I looked at a water
channel that is to be repaired. I walked and M rode a donkey. Really quite
interesting and a place I had not been to before. Met out there by the Shaikh of
Rifaa, sat for some time in the shade of a mosque drinking coffee and discussing
the job with local inhabitants. Then drove back arriving rather late, after
dark. Daly in despair having had cable from Prideaux saying that the PR &
Secretary arriving on Friday. Daly detests Prideaux and has talked almost
unceasingly about him and his innumerable defects so I expect it will be rather
a trying visit. The Captain doesn't care for him either, from all accounts he is
just the "Cadiz type" very dithery and scared of being responsible and
always out to put blame onto his subordinates. Cool weather still.
Friday Sept 3rd
Much fuss and arranging for the visit of Col Prideaux the
"Laurence" late, as usual, but I had lunch first before going out to
meet him. The Shaikha and Shaikh Abdulla called in the morning. After lunch went
to the Palace and then drove down with them all to the Customs, went out in the
Shaikh's launch to the Laurence, the three Shaikhas and various retinues of
their sons. Went aboard. Col Prideaux and a rather tiresome young new under
secretary on board. P has a quite deplorable manner with natives and certainly
gave the worst impression, appeared to be in a bad temper but actually is always
like that. The Shaikh looked miserable and referred everything to me. After an
unpleasant half hour the Shaikh retired.
Saturday 4th Sept
They are sending 2 platoons of Indian Army here pro tem till we get a new
Levy Corps and police, and Parke is to come as soon as possible. I look forward
to his arrival. He is to be assistant to Adviser besides O.C. Police so I shall
I hope have less work to do.
Tuesday 7 Sept
Very late for breakfast -- lunch and called on the Shaikh on the way back
after early office and he talked for ages. He is now not a bit shy of saying
what he thinks to me about things. An old Merchant called; Yusif Kanoo.
Wednesday 8th Sept
The Shaikh came down to the office in the morning. Very amiable, said that he
used to spend about Rs 20,000 a month once Rs 30,000 and now, with me managing
his accounts he spends about Rs 8,000. A rupee is 1:6. They have lately
standardised it. The Shaikh's boys who are at school at Basra have obviously
been getting at him and trying not to be sent back to school, and he very feebly
began making excuses for why they should not go back there perfectly idiotic. I
shall try hard and prevent them getting their way. Its obviously far better to
educate them.
The Barratts have arrived. (Successor to Daly) They are decidedly
"proper" people, he tall and thin and military looking and she plump
and fluffy and, as we soon discovered, quite exceptionally foolish, really most
idiotic. She took de Grenier for Daly and the Shaikh's Chauffeur for the Shaikh
-- which caused some confusion! Daly handed over in a couple of hours and then
went off in the launch to the cruiser on which he goes to Basra, thence by fast
mail to Bombay and Mombasa. The Shaikh called earlier to say goodbye and wept
copiously. As usual in Arab countries very few of the public came to say goodbye
to Daly though he has done wonders for the place and was here 5 years. They are
so keen always to greet new arrivals and forget immediately about the others
almost before they have gone, of course D was too much the king of Bahrain.
We moved into the new house as the other one was too crowded, its still
rather damp but put our beds on the veranda outside. The house is far the finest
house I've ever had, really delightful and so large and important from outside.
I like the Political Resident personally but officially he is an impossible
old dawdler. These elderly government officials who are too old for work are a
great nuisance, he is hanging on hoping for a K.C.S.I. which doubtless he wiII
get. In the afternoon called on Shaikh Hamad with Bassett -- official call, B
wearing uniform and sword. The Shaikh received us outside the palace and had the
ponies out for us to see. Prideaux had asked B to enquire what the Shaikh's
opinion was about the return of the Dawasir Arabs who were banished. Daly used
constantly to say that it would be ruination to let them back, now there is an
intrigue afoot, and the Shaikh has been got at, to let them return. He tried to
get me to reply for him and when I wouldn't said he thought it might be a good
thing. Myself I think its madness.
With the departure of Daly, and the retirement of Prideaux as Political
Resident, there developed a less ambiguous relationship between Britain as the
protecting power with responsibility for dealings with external affairs and
jurisdiction over non-Bahrainis on the one hand; and the internal government
of Bahrain as an independent state on the other. As Sir Denys Bray, the Foreign
Secretary of the Government of India, put it in his report on a tour of the Gulf
in 1929, "Bahrain has obviously become the keystone of our position in the
Gulf our aim should be to demonstrate that an Arab state can advance on Western
lines under British protection and yet retain its Arab character. 'The new
Resident' the diary reports on 14 January 1929, "very strong on Bahrain
being quite independent and my having nothing to do with the govt of
India". With occasional lapses due to over-zealous officials or periods of
serious instability, this relationship was to last until the total independence
of Bahrain was formally recognised in 1971. The position of the Adviser was thus
also clarified. As he wrote in his diary on 14th September "I fancy I shall
be able to do pretty much as I please with Barrett. He doesn't seem to be of the
interfering type; still one never knows. He is tall and thin and plain but
thoroughly a gentlemen. She is unbelievably silly." But the final sanction
of the Indian army was always there in the background. The next day "An
extra busy day, arranging the arrival of the detachment of Punjabi troops who
are to be stationed here temporarily . . . the execution of the murderer (of the
levy subadar) is to be on Tuesday morning and these men are to shoot him."
That done, life over the next few months and years returned to normal, if one
can use that expression to include the occasional riot -- by divers over advance
payments, or by shop keepers over new laws on the registration of deaths or the
administration of estates -- riots often put down with his bare fists by the
Adviser in person, with all the force of his six foot two frame, his prowess and
boxing at Oxford, his fearless personality, and his relish for a
"scrap." But in normal times, it was his patience and courtesy, the
fact that he never raised his voice, and that the only sign of irritation was a
slight stammer, and that it quickly became clear that he was incorruptible, that
made his presence and his role acceptable to the ruling family and to the people
in general. In agreeing to his taking 5 months leave after two years service,
Shaikh Hamad wrote "He has pleased my people both by the great services he
has performed for my country, and with his high standards of behaviour. I thank
him for the services he has performed for my country and for the comfort he has
brought to my people." Not long after that leave their son was born in the
house in Muharraq.
22nd April 1929
"The baby began to arrive in the night at about 1 o'clock. I went along
in the car to get Dr Rottschafer. Court in morning. I took it alone as Shaikh
Sulman did not come in and was in the office until they sent to say that the
baby had arrived. It is quite a nice looking little thing, not as unfinished
looking as they usually are -- farewell party for the PA. M and the baby are
both very well. James Hamad Dacre's health was drunk. Shaikh Sulman brought me
in two large sheep which have to be killed and distributed among the neighbours.
This was done. If it is a girl only one if any is distributed. The nurse has
dysentery! Maglis -- everyone asking about "Hamad." They are evidently
very pleased about the name."
The Adviser had a hand in everything; and there were many who thought that he
gathered too much power into his own hands. But it is clear from the diaries as
well as from the recollection of others who were close to events at that time
and later that he saw his job, as one well informed person has put it to me, as
being "to administer not to rule." The Authority for the modernisation
of the government came from Shaikh Hamad. The Adviser never issued an order or a
law. That was done only by the Ruler after consultation with the leading people.
The Adviser never made an appointment. He never spent a rupee except that which
was within the budget or with the written authority of the Ruler.
Together they made up a pretty effective team. By the time the first ten
years were up (beyond which Carol had promised his bride they were unlikely to
remain in Bahrain) the foundations had been laid for almost all the physical and
social features of Bahrain which one takes for granted here today.
In 1937, Belgrave wrote in what appears to have been an account of his
stewardship, "During the last ten years, the changes and reforms which were
made by Shaikh Hamad when he took over control from his father have become
firmly established. In other Gulf states, Bahrain is considered to be very
progressive. The wish to be progressive comes from the people themselves. It is
not forced on them by government. Bahrain is now the 12th largest oil producing
country in the world; as well as having a naval base and a place on the air
route. The sudden change from poverty to affluence creates problems and
conditions which are almost more difficult to deal with than those resulting
from the need for economy. A period of great prosperity provided oil does not
run dry, appears to be starting now . . . but it should be remembered that most
of the existing improvements in Bahrain, such as electric power, sea roads,
causeways, schools and municipalities came into being before the era of
(from Al Watheekah pp 214 -- 200, date unknown)