Various Natural History Links

Various Natural History Links

Emirates Environmental Group

Bahrain Natural History Society

"Bahrain Natural History Society (BNHS) has long been considered one of the leading non-governmental organizations concerned with conservation of nature; not only in the Kingdom of Bahrain but throughout the Arabian Gulf region. It was founded in 1976, by a number of mainly expatriates, including Trevor Hallam, who were all keen bird watchers.

"The main objectives of BNHS are to encourage an interest in and promote knowledge of all aspects of the natural history of Bahrain and to increase the awareness of its importance. The society promotes its objectives by various activities, such as talks, newsletters, field trips, publications, and participation in local events concerning protection of the natural environment in Bahrain."

The BNHS newsletter Volume 01 for January 2010 can be downloaded here.

Back issues of BNHS newsletters are available here.

Qatar Natural History Group

"The Qatar Natural History Group (QNHG) was founded in November 1978 to 'bring together people with an interest in the natural history of Qatar and the Gulf', and the inaugural meeting was held in the grounds of the National Museum."

The group's publications including their newsletters can be found here.

International Crane Foundation

The International Crane Foundation (ICF) commits to a future where all crane species are secure - a future where people cooperate to protect and restore wild populations and their ecosystems. These efforts sustain the places where cranes live, to the benefit of countless other species.

Among the people captivated by the beauty and mystique of cranes were two Cornell University graduate students - George Archibald and Ron Sauey - who were investigating crane behavior and ecology. Realizing that cranes were under intense pressure from the world’s rapidly expanding human population; they decided to establish an organization dedicated to the study and preservation of cranes. In 1973, they founded the International Crane Foundation on the horse farm owned by Sauey’s parents just north of Baraboo, Wisconsin.

Wildlife Middle East News

"Wildlife Middle East News is produced as a dual language (English-Arabic) quality newsletter and is published quarterly.  Wildlife Middle East News contains papers, reports, letters and announcements submitted by veterinarians, biologists, and other animal care professionals working with captive and free-living wildlife in the Middle East region.

"The newsletter is distributed to biology departments and libraries of institutes of higher education, agricultural and environmental agencies, conservation groups, wildlife projects, zoos, zoologists, vets working with wild animals, vet hospitals involved in wildlife medicine, municipality vets, and pet shops. A PDF format newsletter is e-mailed to a wider circulation of interested readers within and beyond the region."


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Copyright © 1977-2011 Emirates Natural History Group
Patron: H.E. Sheikh Nahayan bin Mubarak Al Nahayan

Served from Molalla, Oregon, United States of America