UAE and Oman

UAE and Oman


Interesting links relating to the UAE and Oman. Click here


Articles on sites in Oman

  • Al Falaj
    This small oasis community, built around a functioning falaj system, includes an interesting fort and several houses. It is an ideal place to stop on the road from Al Ain to Nizwa.
  • Sarooj manufacturing
    What may be the world's last sarooj manufacturing plant is located in Nakhal, Oman
  • Desert Report
    Copy of news article from BBC on report by UN on state of the world's deserts.
  • Snow on Jebel Shams
    Seven photographs of snow on Jebel Shams, from a snowfall in January 2007.
  • The Native Plants of Oman, An Introduction
    Clive Winbow, our guest speaker in February, 2009, and author of The Native Plants of Oman, An Introduction, is featured in an article that appeared in The National in early March, 2009. (While your browser may be able to display PDF files, we recommend that you right-click these links and download the files to save on your computer.)
    Page one of the article
    Page two of the article


Articles by Shahina A. Ghazanfar

Our guest speaker at the 2007-2008 season Inter-Emirates Weekend at Mafraq was Shahina Ghazanfar. Shahina presented a very interesting work shop on identifying the plants of coastal Abu Dhabi. She provided three handouts that are now available here as PDFs with her permission.

  • Plants Of Oman
    Abstract: A brief history of the study of plants in Oman followed by a discussion of the plants of various Omani ecosystems.
    Citation: Ghazanfar, S.A. (2007) Plants of Oman In Pride. Oman: Al Roya Publishers. pp. 14-18.
  • Salt Lovers
    Abstract:: Discusses the common halophytes (salt loving plants) that are found in Oman and the UAE.
    Citation: Ghazanfar, S.A. (2007) Salt Lovers. In Pride.  Oman: Al Roya Publishers. pp. 68-70.

  • Field Key to the Coastal Plants of Abu Dhabi
    Abstract: This key assists in the identification of the plants commonly found along the coast of Abu Dhabi emirate. Thirty-nine species are covered.
    Citation: Ghazanfar, S.A. (2008) Field Key to the Coastal Plants of Abu Dhabi. 


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