As one might imagine, it was not long before individual items were missing from the collections as individuals came and went. The Committee decided it was time, if possible, to find a place where all the items could be brought together. This would improve the chances of the assets remaining and would provide better access to the collection for individual members.
Thanks to Jim Crawford of the Al Ain English Speaking School, an old storeroom at the school was made available. The first task was to clean out the storeroom and make some renovations. The workroom soon housed the library collection, computer, refrigerator, specimens, cameras, maps and other items collected and donated over the years. It was used for committee meeting as well as workshops on subjects like geology and shells.
The Al Ain English Speaking School's building program meant that the building containing the workroom was demolished in the Fall of 2010. The plan is that AAESS will have another room available for ENHG use once constuction is complete.