Botany articles

Subject: Botany



Bulletin Number



Adaptations of Plants to a Desert Environment R.A. Western 36 17 to 23 November 1988
Al Babha Plantation M.I.R. Khan 13 17 to 19 March 1981
Al Bujair Nursery in the Western Region M.I.R. Khan 10 16 to 18 March 1980
Avicennia marina -- the Grey Mangrove; General Notes and Observations M. Crumbie 32 2 to 13 July 1987
Botanical Reconnaissance of the Northern Emirates, February 1985, A R.A. Western 27 11 to 23 November 1985
Botanical Trip, Easter Weekend 1988 M. Jongbloed 35 14 to 19 July 1988
Botany Field Trip to Ghayl R.A. Western 33 21 to 27 November 1987
Botany Recorder's Report [1988] R.A. Western 37 11 March 1989
Botany Recorder's Report for 1989 R.A. Western 40 9 March 1990
Coastal Vegetation of Fujairah, The R.A. Western 31 10 to 21 March 1987
Collection and Preservation of Bryophytes in Arabia D. Long 18 18 to 19 November 1982
Common Landscape Plants in the UAE J-C. Melone 29 23 to 27 July 1986
Curcurbitaceae in the UAE R.A. Western 28 28 to 29 March 1986
Date Palms in the UAE (Reprint from "The Emirates" magazine, London, Sept. 1983) -- 22 26 to 27 March 1984
Diary -- 09 32 November 1979
Flora in the UAE P. Harris 07 17 to 21 April 1979
Flora in the United Arab Emirates, The R.A. Western 42 21 to 23 November 1990
Grasses of Abu Dhabi Island R.A. Western 19 21 to 27 March 1983
Hints for Collecting Figs -- 30 20 to 21 November 1986
Hints on Collecting Grasses -- 12 26 to 27 November 1980
History of the Abu Dhabi Sewage Farms J.N.B. Brown 19 19 to 20 March 1983
Local Lichen, A P. James 12 11 November 1980
Local Wild Flower (Tribulus sp.), A P. Harris 03 2 to 4 October 1977
Management, Conservation and Development of Agricultural Resources in the UAE M.I.R. Khan 16 9 to 19 March 1982
Mangrove, The R.A. Western 09 19 to 21 November 1979
Medina Zayed Plantation M.I.R. Khan 11 5 to 9 July 1980
Miscellany -- 38 26 to 27 July 1989
Miscellany -- 39 27 to 28 November 1989
Miscellany -- 40 28 March 1990
Natural History of Jebel Hafit, The J.N.B. Brown, G. Tourney, R.A. Western and M. Willmot 18 2 to 15 November 1982
Natural History of Merawah Island, The T.D. Adams, J.N.B. Brown, P. Hellyer, and E.A. and M. Pitts 42 2 to 20 November 1990
Natural Vegetation and Reafforestation in Abu Dhabi J.N.B. Brown 04 31 to 32 March 1978
Natural Vegetation of Abu Dhabi Island R.A. Western 17 18 to 24 July 1982
Natural Vegetation of UAE M.I.R. Khan 11 13 to 20 July 1980
Pergularia tomentosa P. Harris 08 18 July 1979
Plant Nurseries in Abu Dhabi M.I.R. Khan 21 17 to 25 November 1983
Plant Nursery Business in Dubai and the Northern Emirates M.I.R. Khan 24 14 to 22 November 1984
Plant Palatable to the Arabian Oryx P. Dickinson and C.W. Furley 12 4 to 6 November 1980
Plant Recorder's Report -- 34 13 March 1988
Plantago in the UAE R.A. Western 38 18 to 23 July 1989
Plants in the UAE -- the Carnation family R.A. Western 23 22 to 30 July 1984
Qarnein Expedition, The J.N.B. Brown, P. Hellyer, C. Richardon and M. Verhage 39 2 to 12 November 1989
Qarnein Expedition: Recommendations on Conservation, The -- 40 15 to 26 March 1990
Socotran Cormorant (Phalacrocorax nigrogularis) Breeding in the UAE S. Howe 37 20 to 22 March 1989
Solanaceae (?) P. Harris 05 15 to 16 July 1978
Status of Mangrove Forests in the UAE M.I.R. Khan 17 15 to 17 July 1982
Suggestions for the Collection and Despatch of Plants S.W. Rawlings 13 25 to 26 March 1981
Taming the Abu Dhabi Desert M.I.R. Khan 08 19 to 22 July 1979
Two Spring Animals R.A. Western 22 14 March 1984
Vegetation of Lower Hafit J.N.B. Brown and R.A. Western 14 18 to 21 July 1981
Vegetation of Offshore Islands in the Gulf R.A. Western 20 16 to 23 July 1983
Vegetation of the Arabian Gulf Coast of the UAE R.A. Western 21 2 to 11 November 1983
Wahiba Sand Sea, Oman: Royal Geographical Society Symposium, October 7th 1987 R.A. Western 33 2 to 9 November 1987
Wild Flowers of the UAE P. Harris 04 3 to 6 March 1978


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