Bulletin Tables of Content by Author

Bulletin Tables of Content by Author

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Listed below, from left to right, is the name of the author(s), if known, for every article in each issue of the Bulletins (some administrative articles excepted). The author's name is followed by the title of the article, the publication date of the Bulletin in which the article appeared, followed by the Bulletin number. You will notice that some articles are repeated; these are articles that originally appeared in English but were later reproduced in Arabic.

Author Title Date Bulletin
-- Date Palms in the UAE (Reprint from "The Emirates" magazine, London, Sept. 1983) March 1984 22
-- Museums in the United Arab Emirates October 1977 03
-- Miscellany November 1983 21
-- Comments on As Safarfir March 1985 25
-- Miscellany November 1989 39
-- Hints on Collecting Grasses November 1980 12
-- Miscellaneous Records and Press Reports July 1985 26
-- Sea Shells March 1978 04
-- Miscellany July 1989 38
-- Miscellany March 1990 40
-- Evidence for the Prehistoric Use of Flint in the Western Gulf December 1978 06
-- Archaeological Briefs March 1986 28
-- ENHG Field Trip to Fossil Valley July 1981 14
-- ENHG Field Trip to Sueyhan Road March 1981 13
-- Cicadas December 1978 06
-- Draft Law Banning Hunting in the UAE March 1984 22
-- Bird Recorder's Report for 1987 March 1988 34
-- Qarnein Expedition: Recommendations on Conservation, The March 1990 40
-- Gulf Archaeological News November 1985 27
-- Weekend Camping Excursion -- Suggestion November 1981 15
-- Hints for Collecting Figs November 1986 30
-- Summary of the Group's Aims and Objectives March 1988 34
-- ENHG Marine Section: List of Bulletin Articles on Fish, Coral and Miscellaneous July 1983 20
-- Archaeology in the UAE (Arabic) March 1983 19
-- Scorpion Specimens July 1979 08
-- Gulf Archaeology News (Arabic) November 1986 30
-- Status of the Mangrove Forests in the UAE (Arabic) July 1986 29
-- Two Lizards of the UAE November 1985 27
-- Plant Recorder's Report March 1988 34
-- The Puffer Fish March 1986 28
-- Abu Dhabi Millions of Years Ago November 1989 39
-- Hymenoptera 1987 March 1988 34
-- The Birds of Saudi Arabia March 1982 16
-- The Shihuh of Northern Oman November 1988 36
-- Gulf Seabirds July 1990 41
-- Background to the ENHG July 1989 38
-- Qarnein Island March 1990 40
-- IUCN Red Data Book March 1982 16
Adams, T.D., J.N.B. "Bish" Brown, P. Hellyer and E.A. and M. Pitts Natural History of Merawah Island, The November 1990 42
al Maskery, S. Bedouin Youth, Past and Present March 1989 37
al Naqash, Dr. A.B. Movement of the Desert Sand on the Al Ain -- Dubai Road March 1980 10
Al Tekriti, Dr. W.Y. Archaeology in Al Ain November 1986 30
Al Tekriti, Dr. W.Y. Archaeology in the UAE in the Fourth and Third Millenia B.C. July 1983 20
Armitage, J. Sanctuary for Escaped Birds December 1978 06
Aston, E.R. Brief Geology of Sir Bani Yas Island, A November 1985 27
Aston, E.R. Brief Introduction to the Geology of the UAE, A July 1985 26
Attewell, N. Ras al Khaimah Museum -- The Collections July 1987 32
Bertram, Prof. C. Production of Pearls, The July 1978 05
Bertram, Prof. C. Sea Cows -- Sirenia March 1977 01
Best, A. Understanding Meteorology in the UAE (Part 1 -- Fog) July 1986 29
Best, A. Understanding Meteorology in the UAE (Part II -- The Low-level Jet and 40-day Shamal) July 1987 32
Boocock, D. Unwelcome Creatures of Abu Dhabi July 1978 05
Boocock, D. Termites July 1979 08
Bourne, W.R.P. Seabirds July 1988 35
Bourne, W.R.P. Arabian Gulf Observations November 1988 36
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Birds of the Wadi Khabb Shamsi March 1985 25
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Arabian Monarch Butterfly, The November 1979 09
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Whales and Dolphins July 1984 23
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" White Collared Kingfisher July 1984 23
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Autumn Bird Migration November 1980 12
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" False Killer Whale, A March 1980 10
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Dugong (Dugon dugon) November 1981 15
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Bats of the UAE November 1988 36
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Oleander Hawkmoth July 1978 05
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Glossy Ibis November 1979 09
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Convolvulus Hawkmoth July 1979 08
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Cormorants -- Offshore UAE March 1981 13
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Hawkmoths -- Sphingidae March 1984 22
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Bird Ringing Records from the Gulf November 1980 12
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Preliminary List of Birds Breeding in the UAE and Offshore Islands March 1982 16
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Skinks in the UAE March 1984 22
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" New Snake from the Sueyhan Area, A July 1980 11
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Recent Turtle Records November 1984 24
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Reptile Recorder's Report, 1988 March 1989 37
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Reptile Recorder's Report for 1989 March 1990 40
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Reptiles of the UAE -- I June 1977 02
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Reptiles of Abu Dhabi Island July 1980 11
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Loggerhead Turtle, The November 1983 21
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Sea Snakes in the Waters of the UAE July 1987 32
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Loggerhead Turtle, The April 1979 07
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Snakes March 1977 01
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Snakes from the Abu Dhabi Region November 1989 39
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Spiny-tailed Agamid March 1982 16
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Two Lizards of the UAE July 1985 26
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Wadi Snake, A March 1988 34
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Bird Recordings March 1979 July 1979 08
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Sand Boa -- Eryx jayakari, The November 1981 15
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Some Rodents of the UAE July 1989 38
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Sawfish March 1990 40
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Natural Vegetation and Reafforestation in Abu Dhabi March 1978 04
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" History of the Abu Dhabi Sewage Farms March 1983 19
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Life on the Desert April 1979 07
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Three Hawkmoths recorded in the UAE March 1983 19
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Summary of Bird Recordings (July, Aug, Sept, 1979) November 1979 09
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Ticks November 1990 42
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Which Binocular? November 1979 09
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Green Turtle July 1978 05
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" Identification Key for the World's Sea Turtles March 1988 34
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" and I. Hamer Unusual Recording of Honeybees (Apis florea) in Abu Dhabi, An March 1983 19
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" and R.A. Western Egyptian Geese April 1979 07
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish" and R.A. Western Vegetation of Lower Hafit July 1981 14
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish", G. Tourney, R.A. Western and M. Willmot Natural History of Jebel Hafit, The November 1982 18
Brown, J.N.B. "Bish", P. Hellyer, C. Richardson and M. Verhage Qarnein Expedition, The November 1989 39
Brown, R.W. Close Encounter of the Feathery Kind November 1987 33
Brown, R.W. Fishes of the UAE 11 March 1985 25
Brown, R.W. Fishes of Abu Dhabi 7 March 1981 13
Brown, R.W. Nudibranches -- Thirty Feet Below March 1980 10
Brown, R.W. Identification of Fishes March 1978 04
Brown, R.W. New Procedure for Marine Fish Observations/Recordings July 1983 20
Brown, R.W. Content and Nature of Arabian Gulf Sea Water July 1986 29
Brown, R.W. Fish Recording Activity -- Work Sessions March 1984 22
Brown, R.W. Fishes of the UAE July 1983 20
Brown, R.W. Fishes of the UAE 10 November 1983 21
Brown, R.W. Report on ADMA Fishing Contest June 1977 02
Brown, R.W. Fishes of the UAE July 1982 17
Brown, R.W. Fishes of Abu Dhabi 6 July 1980 11
Brown, R.W. Fishes of Abu Dhabi 5 July 1979 08
Brown, R.W. Fishes of Abu Dhabi 4 December 1978 06
Brown, R.W. Fishes of Abu Dhabi 2 October 1977 03
Brown, R.W. Fishes of Abu Dhabi 1 March 1977 01
Brown, R.W. Checklist of Fishes April 1979 07
Brown, R.W. Corals of Abu Dhabi November 1979 09
Brown, R.W. Close Encounters of the Electric Kind March 1985 25
Brown, R.W. and D.J. Rowlands International Dolphin Watch -- UAE July 1984 23
Campbell, K. Linnaean or Binomial Nomenclature July 1986 29
Chapman, A. Bird Notes from Offshore November 1990 42
Chapman, A. Egyptian Nightjar -- A New Record for the ENHG List July 1990 41
Cleuziou, S. Hili in the Third Millenium B.C. July 1984 23
Cleuziou, S. Hili Excavations 1980 - 1981, The July 1981 14
Corfield, D.M. Cone Shells October 1977 03
Corfield, D.M. Umm an Nar March 1978 04
Corfield, D.M. Archaeology in the UAE March 1977 01
Corfield, D.M. Archaeology Report March 1977 01
Corfield, D.M. Black Francolin in Abu Dhabi, A October 1977 03
Corfield, D.M. Masirah Island June 1977 02
Corfield, D.M. Short Walk in Abu Dhabi, A October 1977 03
Corfield, D.M. Solitary Wasp October 1977 03
Corfield, D.M. Birds Seen in the British Embassy Compound, 1977 April 1979 07
Cowles, G.S. New Subspecies of Kingfisher, A March 1981 13
Crausaz, C.U. Geology Recorder's Report for 1989 March 1990 40
Crumbie, M. Rare Bird Visitors to Abu Dhabi and UAE July 1985 26
Crumbie, M. Bird Notes for mid-October to mid-November 1983 March 1984 22
Crumbie, M. Bird Notes -- Observations in Abu Dhabi Between 4th March and 5th April 1984 November 1984 24
Crumbie, M. Avicennia marina -- the Grey Mangrove; General Notes and Observations July 1987 32
Crumbie, M. Observations to Clarify the Status of the Reef Heron, Little Green Heron and Clamorous Reed Warbler on Abu Dhabi Island 1985 March 1986 28
Crumbie, M. Observations of the Graceful Warbler, Kentish Plover and Sander's Little Tern in Abu Dhabi July 1983 20
Crumbie, M. Birds of Abu Dhabi Island; General Comparison 1971-1973 and 1983-1984 March 1985 25
Dawood, A.H. Glimpses of the Historical Geography of the Al Ain Region, Abu Dhabi, UAE March 1978 04
de Mare, S. Pictoglyphs in Wadi Kubh November 1983 21
de Matos, J.E. Coastal Sabkha of Abu Dhabi, The March 1989 37
Dickinson, P. Reptiles and Amphibians of the UAE July 1981 14
Dickinson, P. and C.W. Furley Red Foxes March 1980 10
Dickinson, P. and C.W. Furley Plants Palatable to the ArabianOryx November 1980 12
Donohue, D. Insect Collecting -- Killing Bottles March 1981 13
Donohue, D. Giant Water Bugs March 1982 16
Donohue, D. Dragonflies and Damselflies November 1980 12
Donohue, D. Collecting and Preserving Insects March 1982 16
Donohue, D. Butterfly Notes November 1979 09
Donohue, D. Praying Mantises July 1980 11
Feulner, G.R. Journey to the Centre of the Earth or "A Walk Below the Moho" July 1990 41
Feulner, G.R. Sawscale Viper Sightings Around Jebel Hafit March 1989 37
Foxall, I. How Not to Go Turtle Hunting July 1990 41
Foxall, I. Notes on the Birds Breeding on Qarneyn Islands November 1985 27
Fraser, I. Bird Recordings on Zirku Island July 1981 14
Furley, C.W. Adaptation of Desert Animals to their Environment -- Some Examples July 1980 11
Furley, C.W. Reproductive Patterns of the Arabian Oryx November 1980 12
Furley, C.W. Some Mammals of the UAE March 1987 31
Furley, C.W. Preliminary Observations on the Growth Rates of Neonatal Gazelles March 1985 25
Furley, C.W. Potential Use of Gazelles for Game Ranching in the Arabian Peninsula March 1984 22
Furley, C.W. Obervations of the Red Fox in the Al Ain Area July 1983 20
Gebel, H.G. Temperature, Rainfall and Humidity Data at Mazyad, Al Ain 1976 - 1981 July 1985 26
Gebel, H.G. Evidence for Pre-Holocene Industries in the Greater Hili area July 1984 23
Gibson, D.W. Diversity of Fishes March 1987 31
Giles, M. Desert Drive, A November 1979 09
Giles, T. Black-headed Munia November 1979 09
Hamer, I. Bees and Wasps of the Ruus al Jibal March 1985 25
Hamer, I. Hymenoptera Highlights IV November 1986 30
Hamer, I. Hymenoptera Highlights III July 1986 29
Hamer, I. Hymenoptera Highlights II March 1983 19
Hamer, I. Hymenoptera Highlights I November 1982 18
Hamer, I. Hymenoptera Highlights V July 1988 35
Hamer, I. and J. Abu Dhabi to North Yemen Overland July 1982 17
Hamer, I. and J. Overland to Jordan November 1983 21
Hansman, J. Archaeological Excavations of the Islamic Period in Ras al Khaimah November 1979 09
Harris, A. French Archaeological Excavations at Al Ain, The June 1977 02
Harris, A. Falconry in the UAE June 1977 02
Harris, A. The Old Main Mosque in Abu Dhabi July 1985 26
Harris, A. Journey to Umm az Zamul, Asab and the Liwa July 1980 11
Harris, A. Desert Locust, The April 1979 07
Harris, A. Liwa Oasis, The June 1977 02
Harris, A. Old Main Mosque, The July 1978 05
Harris, A. Empty Quarter, The June 1977 02
Harris, A. and W. Bertram Dugongs in Abu Dhabi Waters March 1977 01
Harris, P. Pergularia tomentosa July 1979 08
Harris, P. Wild Flowers of the UAE March 1978 04
Harris, P. Flora in the UAE April 1979 07
Harris, P. Local Wild Flower (Tribulus sp.), A October 1977 03
Harris, P. Solanaceae (?) July 1978 05
Heard-Bey, Dr. F. Desert Anomalies of Al Liwa July 1979 08
Heard-Bey, Dr. F. People of the UAE July 1978 05
Heath, D.C. Tips on Natural History Photography November 1989 39
Heath, D.C. Odonata of Das Island July 1989 38
Heath, D.C. Turtle Rescue on Das Island November 1989 39
Hellyer, P. Archaeology Recorder's Report for 1989 March 1990 40
Hellyer, P. Recent Archaeological Finds at Bithna, Fujairah March 1989 37
Hellyer, P. Family Sturnidae in the UAE July 1989 38
Hellyer, P. Archaeology in Umm al Qaiwain March 1988 34
Hellyer, P. Mammal Recorder's Report for 1989 March 1990 40
Hellyer, P. Brief Survey of the Abu Dhabi Nature Reserve July 1988 35
Hellyer, P. Mammal Recorder's Report, 1988 March 1989 37
Hellyer, P. Mammal Recorder's Report for 1987 March 1988 34
Hollingworth, J. East Coast Revisited, Ornithologically July 1984 23
Hollingworth, J. Bird Species List for 1984 November 1985 27
Hollingworth, J. Bird Recorder's Report for 1989 March 1990 40
Hollingworth, J. Bird Recorder's Report, 1988 March 1989 37
Hollingworth, J. Bird Species Summary for 1983 July 1984 23
Hollingworth, M.A. Bird-Watching -- New to Arabia March 1978 04
Hollingworth, M.A. List of Bird Species Recorded in Abu Dhabi Island 1977 July 1978 05
Hollingworth, M.A. Bird-Watching on Abu Dhabi Island October 1977 03
Howe, S. Socotran Cormorant (Phalacrocorax nigrogularis) Breeding in the UAE March 1989 37
James, P. Local Lichen, A November 1980 12
Jongbloed, M. First Breeding in Captivity of Arabian Wildcats (Felis sylvestres gordon) July 1990 41
Jongbloed, M. Botanical Trip, Easter Weekend 1988 July 1988 35
Khan, M.I.R. Al Bujair Nursery in the Western Region March 1980 10
Khan, M.I.R. Status of Mangrove Forests in the UAE July 1982 17
Khan, M.I.R. Taming the Abu Dhabi Desert July 1979 08
Khan, M.I.R. Management, Conservation and Development of Agricultural Resources in the UAE March 1982 16
Khan, M.I.R. Sand and Sand Dune Stabilization in the UAE March 1983 19
Khan, M.I.R. Plant Nursery Business in Dubai and the Northern Emirates November 1984 24
Khan, M.I.R. Plant Nurseries in Abu Dhabi November 1983 21
Khan, M.I.R. Al Babha Plantation March 1981 13
Khan, M.I.R. Natural Vegetation of UAE July 1980 11
Khan, M.I.R. Medina Zayed Plantation July 1980 11
Kirby, C. Sea Shells March 1982 16
Kirby, C. Marine Shells of Abu Dhabi July 1982 17
Lindley, Rev. R. A Short History of Middle Eastern Maps (Arabic) July 1983 20
Lindley, Rev. R. Short History of Middle-Eastern Maps, A March 1978 04
Long, D. Collection and Preservation of Bryophytes in Arabia November 1982 18
MacRae, J.D. Two Drives Close to Abu Dhabi June 1977 02
MacRae, J.D. Lost City, A March 1980 10
Marinucci, Dr. C. Italian Historical and Ecological Research in the Arabian/Persian Gulf March 1984 22
Melone, J-C. Common Landscape Plants in the UAE July 1986 29
Nahas, I. Puffer Fish -- Aronthron Hispidus July 1985 26
Nisbet, J. Nineteenth Century Mint from the Trucial Oman, A December 1978 06
Nisbet, J. Red Sea -- an Observation, The July 1979 08
Nisbet, J. Coin Hoard from Ras al Khaimah, A November 1979 09
Nisbet, J. Two Coins from the Desert July 1979 08
Nisbet, J. Muslim and Christian Calendars, The November 1979 09
Petroleum Review Saving the Sperm Whale; Petroleum Review July 1984 23
Philips, N. Desert Sheep July 1978 05
Philips, N. Questions and Answers on the Geology and Scenery of the Al Ain Region November 1986 30
Pittaway, A.R. Butterflies and Hawkmoths of Qatar and Eastern Saudi Arabia November 1981 15
Pittaway, A.R. Butterflies and Hawksmoth of Qatar and Eastern Arabia November 1980 12
Pras, S. Marine Molluses of the Arabian Peninsula July 1988 35
Prytz, Marianne Expedition to the Liwa March 1980 10
Rawlings, S.W. Suggestions for the Collection and Despatch of Plants March 1981 13
Reaney, L. Birds of Das Island, UAE, 9/11/85 -- 2/11/86 November 1986 30
Reaney, L. Das Island -- A Summary of Bird Recordings 1985-1988 November 1988 36
Reaney, L. Some Butterfly and Moth Recordings November 1987 33
Richardson, C. Status of the Great Gray Shrike (Lanius excubitor) in the UAE July 1989 38
Roche, C.G. Notes on the Bees and Wasps of the UAE November 1981 15
Roche, C.G. What's in a Name? November 1981 15
Rowlands, D. International Dolphin Watch -- Abu Dhabi Branch Report July 1985 26
Saines, N. History of the Buraimi Oasis July 1986 29
Scott, J. Stalked Barnacles in Abu Dhabi March 1977 01
Scott, J. Sand, Subkha and Shells March 1977 01
Scott, J. and J.N.B. "Bish" Brown Trip to Bahrani Island June 1977 02
Southey, M. Scorpions November 1982 18
Southey, Mike Solifugae (Camel Spider) March 1982 16
Spain, E.S. Abu Dhabi Climatological Summary March 1982 16
Spain, E.S. Climatological Summary for 1980 March 1981 13
Stewart-Smith, J. Waders in the UAE -- Part I March 1977 01
Stewart-Smith, J. Waders in the UAE -- Part II March 1978 04
Stoel, P. Al Hair Archaeological Site July 1990 41
Thomas, Bertram Extract From 'Arabia Felix' March 1980 10
van Riet, C. Flamingo and other Marine Records November 1988 36
van Riet, C. Marine Records -- Autumn and Winter, 1988 March 1989 37
van Riet, C. Marine Observations From March and April 1989 November 1989 39
van Riet, C. Cormorants Records July 1988 35
Wallihan, D. Cowries July 1982 17
Warr, F.E. UAE Bird Recoveries March 1981 13
Western, R.A. As Safarfir -- An Early Islamic Copper Mine in the UAE November 1984 24
Western, R.A. Wahiba Sand Sea, Oman: Royal Geographical Society Symposium, October 7th 1987 November 1987 33
Western, R.A. Pottery Found in Abu Dhabi Emirate November 1980 12
Western, R.A. Some Butterflies of Das Island March 1988 34
Western, R.A. New Flint Find in Abu Dhabi March 1980 10
Western, R.A. Controversy over the Domestication of the Camel July 1979 08
Western, R.A. Qarn bint Saud November 1982 18
Western, R.A. Second Season of Excavations by the French Archaeological Expedition in the Al Ain Region July 1978 05
Western, R.A. 1979-80 Excavations at Hili, The July 1980 11
Western, R.A. Flint and the Pre-history of Abu Dhabi December 1978 06
Western, R.A. Flint Finds from Jebel Mahijir, Abu Dhabi November 1988 36
Western, R.A. Coastal Vegetation of Fujairah, The March 1987 31
Western, R.A. Mangrove, The November 1979 09
Western, R.A. Plants in the UAE -- the Carnation family July 1984 23
Western, R.A. Two Spring Animals March 1984 22
Western, R.A. Vegetation of Offshore Islands in the Gulf July 1983 20
Western, R.A. Grasses of Abu Dhabi Island March 1983 19
Western, R.A. Flora in the United Arab Emirates, The November 1990 42
Western, R.A. Vegetation of the Arabian Gulf Coast of the UAE November 1983 21
Western, R.A. Third Season of Excavations at Hili, The April 1979 07
Western, R.A. Plantago in the UAE July 1989 38
Western, R.A. Seminar for Arabian Studies November 1980 12
Western, R.A. Botany Recorder's Report for 1989 March 1990 40
Western, R.A. Botany Recorder's Report [1988] March 1989 37
Western, R.A. Botany Field Trip to Ghayl November 1987 33
Western, R.A. Botanical Reconnaissance of the Northern Emirates, February 1985, A November 1985 27
Western, R.A. Southern Ruus al Jibal -- An Introduction to its People and Natural History, The March 1985 25
Western, R.A. Natural Vegetation of Abu Dhabi Island July 1982 17
Western, R.A. Adaptations of Plants to a Desert Environment November 1988 36
Western, R.A. Curcurbitaceae in the UAE March 1986 28
Westgate, R. Ancient Arab Astronomy November 1987 33
White, R.L. Analysis of Bitumen from Ad Door, An July 1989 38
White-Cooper, D. Rock Engravings in the UAE and Musandam Peninsula March 1987 31
Willmot. M. Animal Traces November 1981 15
Yates, P. Sand Dunes Made Simple July 1982 17


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